
Name Phases14C dates
221-240 / 285 show all
Dnieper-Donets cultureNeolithic developed, n/a, Neolithic/Eneolithic, and Neolithic late13Show
DjeitunJeitun early, ASPRO 6, Jeitun moyen, ASPRO 6, Jeitun middle, ASPRO 6, and Early Chalcolithic 1-3, ASPRO 6, Djeitun0Show
Dimini culturen/a1Show
Dikili Tash-Slatino culturestart Marica/Gradesnica, Dikili-Tash-Slatino-culture4Show
Deûle-Escaut groupn/a2Show
Dark Faced Burnished Waren/a2Show
Danilo culturen/a6Show
Culture rubanéen/a47Show
Culture couronniennen/a19Show
Cucuteni culturePre-Cucuteni III, A2/A3, A3, A4, B, B1/B2, B1b, B2, Cucuteni A1, Cucuteni A2, Cucuteni A4, Cucuteni, Tripolje C1, H, Pre-, Pre-Cucuteni II, Tripolje B2/C, Tripolje C1, Bronze Age, early Tripolje, early Tripolje, Cucuteni, Tripolye A, early Tripolje, Tripolye B1, early Tripolje, start klassiches Tripolje, n/a, start Late Cucuteni, Tripolje C1, A, A-B1, and A287Show
Coţofeni cultureI, II, III, and n/a7Show
Cortaillod cultureolder, n/a, Port-Conty?/phase tardive, Typ Petit-Chasseur, early, and late120Show
Corded Waren/a98Show
Copper AgeBošáca Group and n/a26Show
Comb Ware culturen/a0Show
CimmerianPre-Cimmerian and Post-Cimmerian4Show
ChasséenProto-Chasseen and n/a5Show
Chamer culturen/a and younger Chamer horizon63Show