Name | Phases | 14C dates | |
121-140 / 285 show all | |||
Meso-/Neolithic | Ertebølle? / Funnel Beaker culture, Ertebølle / Funnel Beaker culture / Early Neolithic, Ertebølle / Early Neolithic, n/a, late Mesolithic/Early Neolithic, n/a, and Lihult/Funnel Beaker culture | 177 | Show |
Mesolithic | middle, n/a, late, early, and Kongemose/Maglemose | 528 | Show |
Maykop culture | n/a | 2 | Show |
Matignons, Peu-Richard | n/a | 1 | Show |
Matignons | n/a | 15 | Show |
Maglemose culture | n/a | 21 | Show |
Magdalénien | n/a | 22 | Show |
Lutzengüetle | n/a | 11 | Show |
Lüscherz | n/a | 9 | Show |
Lusatian culture (Lausitzer Kultur) | Fremdguppenzeitlich, younger Rillenkeramik, n/a, horizontal grooved pottery, Rillenkeramik, Hofbuckelware, and Buckelkeramik | 139 | Show |
Linear Pottery culture / Linearbandkeramik | older to middle LBK, Langweiler 2, phase 3., Notenkopf phase, Notenkopf phase developed LBK, Notenkopf/Zeliezovce, Rubané récent, Sárka-Stufe (transition LBK - Stroke-ornamented ware), Zeliezovce (late LBK), Zeliezovce-group, developed first phase LBK, early, early LBK, early LBK (?), early phase of older transdanubian LBK, early, atypic, undecorated ware, end period IV (Sárka), end phase II, first part period III, late, late LBK (Sárka-Typ); phase IIa-c bohemian LBK, late LBK (Sárka-phase), late LBK (late phase Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (late phase [III] Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (middle phase Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (middle phase [II] Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (phase IIa-c bohemian LBK), late LBK/Notenkopf pottery, late Notenkopf pottery, likely older or oldest phase, middle - younger LBK, middle LBK, middle LBK (phase IIa), middle LBK (phase IIa-c bohemian LBK), middle to late LBK (Zeliezovce-Typ), n/a, older (Ic1), older LBK, older LBK (phase Ic), older LBK, stile phase 2a (s. Stehli 1994, 135 fig. 36)., oldest LBK, oldest LBK, developed phase, oldest Notenkopf phase, period IV (Sárka), phase III, phase IIa, phase IIc dutch LBK, phase IId, phase IV (or V) bohemian LBK, phase Ib dutch LBK, phase Ib/c dutch LBK, phase Ic, phase Ic dutch LBK, phase Id dutch LBK, transition Mesolithic/Neolithic, transition period III-IV, younger, younger (V according Meier-Arendt 1966), younger - youngest, younger LBK, younger LBK (IId according Modderman), younger LBK (IId), younger LBK (based on C14 dating), younger LBK (phase IIb or IIc), younger dutch LBK (IId), 3. phase of period I, 4, 5, 6, 6 (Baden-Württemberg), 7, Alföld-LBK, Alföld-LBK late, Alföld-LBK younger, Flomborn, Groupe de Blicquy, III according Meier-Arendt (1966), IIa1 (according Modderman), IIa2 (according Modderman), IIb (according Modderman), IIc (according Modderman), IId (according Modderman), Id (according Modderman), Langweiler 1, phase 2 (IIc), Langweiler 2, phase 1, Langweiler 2, phase 2a (IIa/b according Modderman), and Langweiler 2, phase 2b | 599 | Show |
Limburg Middle Neolithic | n/a | 2 | Show |
Lihult culture | n/a | 6 | Show |
Lepenski Vir | II, Ia, Ib-c, Ic-d, Id, Id-e, Ie, Proto, and n/a | 36 | Show |
Lengyel-Pólgar | IIIb, IIIa (Bresc Kujawski-group, later phase), IIb (Bresc Kujawski-group, late phase), Malice-group, Modlnica-phase Pleszów-group, Modlnica-phase Pleszów-group [Lengyel III], Wyciaze-Zlotniki-group, final phase (Lublin-Wolhynische group, Spätphase), Laznany-group, n/a, and I or II | 15 | Show |
Lengyel | start morawian-austrian painted pottery, unsecure, phase I(b?) moravian-austrian group, n/a, late Lengyel-culture (Topolcany-Szob = III/IV), earliest, Sopot-Lengyel II, Ocice-group (Ottitzer group), younger phase, Lengyel I, Lengyel early, and Ia/Ib | 146 | Show |
Lausitzer Kultur | n/a | 17 | Show |
Late Tripolye/Horodistea-Foltesti | H1 and H2 | 3 | Show |
Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age | Late Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age-transition, Troia I and früher, Late Neolithic, Bronze Age, Herpály-culture, Theiß, Tiszpolgar, n/a, and Neolithic, Pitted Ware, Bronze Age | 568 | Show |
Late Neolithic | Late Neolithic II, Late Neolithic (Amiq A, B, Yumuktepe, Turlu), ASPRO 5/6, Late Neolithic (Hacilar, Fikirtepe), vor Yarimburgaz 5, Late Neolithic and later, ASPRO 5/6, Late Neolithic, ASPRO 6, Late Neolithic, ASPRO 6, Hajji Firuz, Late Neolithic, ASPRO 8, Late Neolithic, Esztár-group, Late Neolithic, Hacilar IX-VI (Duru), Early Chalcolithic (Schoop) ASPRO 6, Battle Axe culture (SYK) / Pitted Ware culture (GRK), Late Neolithic, Protochalcolithic, ASPRO 6, Battle Axe culture (SYK) / Single Grave culture (EGK), Late Neolithic, Stage I and II, Eneolithic, Dalma, Halaf, Nakhichevan-Mil'sk-Mugani, Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic, Yarimburgaz 4, Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic, Yarimburgaz 5/4, Late Neolithic/FM I, late neolithic - early chalcilithic, Late Neolithic I, n/a, Bell Beaker/Late Neolithic, Battle Axe culture (SYK) / Late Neolithic? (SN?), n/a, late Funnel Beaker culture/Battle Ax culture, Late Neolithic/Chalcolithic, and Late Neolithic-Brå | 295 | Show |