
NamePhases 14C dates
181-200 / 285 show all
ÚněticeZich Stufe 4, Zich Stufe 3-4, Zich Stufe 3, Zich Stufe 2-3, Zich Stufe 2, Zich Stufe 1-2, Zich Stufe 1, Proto-Únětice, n/a, and classical phase205Show
Linear Pottery culture / LinearbandkeramikZeliezovce (late LBK), Zeliezovce-group, younger - youngest, younger (V according Meier-Arendt 1966), younger LBK (phase IIb or IIc), younger LBK (IId according Modderman), younger LBK (IId), younger LBK (based on C14 dating), younger LBK, younger dutch LBK (IId), younger, transition period III-IV, transition Mesolithic/Neolithic, Sárka-Stufe (transition LBK - Stroke-ornamented ware), Rubané récent, phase IV (or V) bohemian LBK, phase III, phase IId, phase IIc dutch LBK, phase IIa, phase Id dutch LBK, phase Ic dutch LBK, phase Ic, phase Ib dutch LBK, phase Ib/c dutch LBK, period IV (Sárka), oldest Notenkopf phase, oldest LBK, developed phase, oldest LBK, older to middle LBK, older LBK, stile phase 2a (s. Stehli 1994, 135 fig. 36)., older LBK (phase Ic), older LBK, older (Ic1), Notenkopf/Zeliezovce, Notenkopf phase developed LBK, Notenkopf phase, n/a, middle - younger LBK, middle to late LBK (Zeliezovce-Typ), middle LBK (phase IIa-c bohemian LBK), middle LBK (phase IIa), middle LBK, likely older or oldest phase, late Notenkopf pottery, late LBK (Sárka-Typ); phase IIa-c bohemian LBK, late LBK (Sárka-phase), late LBK (phase IIa-c bohemian LBK), late LBK/Notenkopf pottery, late LBK (middle phase Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (middle phase [II] Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (late phase Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (late phase [III] Zeliezovce-group), late, Langweiler 2, phase 3., Langweiler 2, phase 2b, Langweiler 2, phase 2a (IIa/b according Modderman), Langweiler 2, phase 1, Langweiler 1, phase 2 (IIc), III according Meier-Arendt (1966), IId (according Modderman), IIc (according Modderman), IIb (according Modderman), IIa2 (according Modderman), IIa1 (according Modderman), Id (according Modderman), Groupe de Blicquy, Flomborn, first part period III, end phase II, end period IV (Sárka), early phase of older transdanubian LBK, early LBK (?), early LBK, early, atypic, undecorated ware, early, developed first phase LBK, Alföld-LBK younger, Alföld-LBK late, Alföld-LBK, 7, 6 (Baden-Württemberg), 6, 5, 4, and 3. phase of period I599Show
Lusatian culture (Lausitzer Kultur)younger Rillenkeramik, Rillenkeramik, n/a, horizontal grooved pottery, Hofbuckelware, Fremdguppenzeitlich, and Buckelkeramik139Show
Chalcolithicyounger Baden, Kostolac, Vucedol-culture, Tepecik, Tülintepe, Habusu Körtepe, Cayboyu, Kurupinar, Tarsus, Amik A and B, Halaf, Ubaid, Amik D, ASPRO 8, Early Chalcolithic, Susa II, Uruk, Susa IIIA, Protoelamisch, Djemdet-Nasr, start late chalcolithik, Beycesultan XL-XXXV, Siahbid, Ubaid early, Giyan, ASPRO 9, Ubaid, Dalma, Siahbid late, Ubaid early, Giyan, ASPRO 9, Ubaid, Dalma, Siahbid early, Ubaid early, Giyan, ASPRO 9, Ubaid, Dalma, Shahnabad, ASPRO 8, Ubaid, Early Chalcolithic, Seh Gabi, Dalma, ASPRO 9, Ubaid, Godin IX, Proto-Elamite Tansitional, Protoelamite, Tureng Tepe IIB, Sialk IV1, Protoelamisch, Jemdet Nasr bis ED II, Protoelamisch, Jemdet Nasr, Uruk, Banesh mittel, Jemdet Nasr, Susa IIIA, ED I, n/a, middle Chalcolitic, ASPRO 8, local Late Chalcolithic, Amuq F, Uruk late, local Chalcolithic, ASPRO 9, Late Chalcolithic (Nigde Kösk Höyük obere Schicht, nördliches Ubaid, Late Chalcolithic, Middle Chalcolithic (French), ASPRO 7, Late Chalcolithic (Kumtepe Ia), Late Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age-transition, vor Troia I, Late Chalcolithic, Beycesultan XL-XXXV, ASPRO 8/9, Late Chalcolithic, ASPRO 9, Late Chalcolithic, ASPRO 8/9, Late Chalcolithic 3, ASPRO 9, Late Chalcolithic, Late Chalcolithic 1, ASPRO 8, Late Chalcolithic, Late Chalcolithic, Hotnica-Vodopada I/II, Pevec-culture (Cernavoda I), KSB-culture B, C1, Krivodol IV/V, last phase Krivodol-Salcuta-Bubanj-culture, KSBh Ia, Hotnica-Vodopada I/II, Pevec-culture (Cernavoda I), KSB-culture B, C1, Galepsos, Marica, Gumelnita, KGK VI, Karanovo V and VI, Farukh phase, ASPRO 9, Ubaid, Early Chalcolithic, Yarimburgaz 3/2, Early Chalcolithic, transition Vinca B-C, Karanovo III-IV, classical Theiß, Early Chalcolithic, Shahnabad, Early Chalcolithic II, Çatal Höyük West II, ASPRO 7, Early Chalcolithic, ASPRO 7, Early Chalcolithic, ASPRO 6, Early Chalcolithic, Copper Age, Proto-Elamite Transitional, Tureng Tepe IIB, Sialk IV1, Protoelamisch, Jemdet Nasr bis ED II, Chalcolithique Récent I, Amuq E, ASPRO 8, Chalcolithique Moyen II-Récent I, Halaf, Amuq D-E, ASPRO 8, Chalcolithique Moyen II, Halaf, Amuq D, ASPRO 8, Chalcolithic late, Chalcolithic II/III, Chalcolithic I, Chalcolithic (Büyük Güllücek, Pazarli, Yakar: SK/ITC, final 4th mil., Alisar 14M-12M, Chalcolithic, ASPRO 9, Chalcolithic, ASPRO 8, PNB, Wadi Rabah, and Beycesultan SK 1-2, Alisar, Alacahöyük SK, Can Hasan I, Tigani304Show
Neolithicyounger als I, end Late Neolithic, Final Neolithic, Yahya VA, Dashkar-phase, Vucedol-culture, Kostolac, Vinca-Plocnik?, Hvar-Lisicici, Usatovo, Tripolje CII, Ubaid, Yahya VA late, Ubaid-early, Samarra, ASPRO 8, pre Ubaid, Ubaid 1, transition Sopot/Lasinja, Sece, pre Baden, Retz-Gajary, transition Sopot/Lasinja, Sece, transition Halaf/Ubaid, ASPRO 8, Amuq D, transition Halaf-Ubaid, ASPRO 7, pre Ubaid, transition Akeramikum/Early Neolithic, ASPRO 4, Theiß culture, Herpaly culture Late Neolithic, Sursk-Dnepr late or Dnepr-Donetz early, Sesklo, Tsangli, Samarra, ASPRO 6, Halaf, Prototiszapolgár, Szakalhat-early Theiß, Pre-Pottery, pre Baden, Retz-Gajary, PPN or Çatal Höyük East VIII (Parzinger), ASPRO 4, PPN, Mehrgarh, PPN B or PN, PPNB late, ASPRO 4, PN, PPNB early, ASPRO 3, PN, Eneolithic, Shulaweri-Shomu-group I, PPNB, Burin Neolithic, ASPRO 5, PPNB, ASPRO 5, Early Pottery Neolithic, PNN B or PN, PN, ASPRO 8, Late Neolithic, Chalcolithic, PN A, B, Chalcolithic, ASPRO 9 or 8, Neolithique recent/Eneolithique (Byblos), ASPRO 9, Chalcolithic, Neolithique recent/Eneolithique (Byblos), ASPRO 8-9, Chalcolithic, Neolithique recent (Byblos), ASPRO 8, Chalcolithic, Neolithique recent (Byblos), ASPRO 8, Neolithic, pre Fayum A, Neolithic, Fayum A and earlier, Neolithic, ASPRO 1, 2, within Merimde and Maadi, Chalcolithic middle, n/a, n/a, Mig/Final, Mig, Marica, Younger Neolithic or Chalcolithic (Sitagroi III?), LBK, Notenkopf, Vinca B1-B2, late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, younger than Mureybet IV, Bouqras, Assouad, late Middle Neolithic (Sitagroi II?), Karanovo III, Paradimi, late Eneolithic, Stage V, Nakhichevan-Mil'sk-Mugani, transition Eneolithic - Kura-Arax-culture, Dalma, Halaf, ASPRO 8, Late Neolithic, Stage I and II, Eneolithic, Dalma, Halaf, Nakhichevan-Mil'sk-Mugani, late Eneolithic, Stage V, Nakhichevan-Mil'sk-Mugani, transition Eneolithic - Kura-Arax-culture, Dalma, Halaf, ASPRO 8, Körös late, Vinca, Kili Ghul Muhammad, Mehrgarh II-III, Kili Ghul Muhammad, Kechi Beg, Periano, Kili Ghul Muhammad, Karanovo VI-Gumelnita, Younger Neolithic or Chalcolithic (Sitagroi III?), Karanovo III-IV, Anza IV, Gumelnita, Azmak, Late Chalcolithic, Karanovo III, early Vinca, Yarimburgaz 2, Kakanj II, developed Kakanj, Vinca B, holocene stone age, 4th mil., Hadji Mohammed, ASPRO 8, pre Ubaid, Ubaid 1-2, Galepsos, Younger Neolithic or Chalcolithic (Sitagroi III?), Frühes Akeramikum, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 3, Mureybet IV, Final/Calcolitic, Final, Fikirtepe, Hacilar IX-VII or VIII, end Fikirtepe, Yarimburgaz 5, Coskuntepe, Kuruçay 11-13, Hacilar V-I, Proto- and Vorsesklo, Nea Nikomedeia, Franchthi 1, early to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, Assouad, early Szakalhat, Bükk, Gorsza B, Vinca-Turdas, early Szakalhat, Bükk, Gorsza B, classical and late Theiß, Gorsza C, Early Neolithic/Middle Neolithic I, Early Neolithic/Middle Neolithic, Early Neolithic C - Middle Neolithic Ia, Early Neolithic C - Middle Neolithic I, Early Neolithic B - Middle Neolithic I, Early, Dniester-Bug-culture mittel, LBK, Dalma, ASPRO 8-9, Ubaid, Siabid, Godin IX-X, Seh Gabi, Copper Age, Proto-Elamite Transitional, Tureng Tepe IIB, Sialk III6-7 -IV1, Protoelamisch, Jemdet Nasr bis ED II, Change Middle to Late Neolithic, Bug-Dniester early, developed, Cris, Boyne, ASPRO 6-8, Cheshmeh Ali, Sialk I-II, ASPRO 5-6, Zagheh, Sialk I, ASPRO 4, pre Hassuna, Hassuna, Argissa I, Antic, Akropotamos Topolnitsa, Sitagroi I, Karanovo III/IV, Vinca A, and Akropotamos Topolnitsa, Late Neolithic, Sitagroi II, III2957Show
Funnelbeaker culture / eastern groupWiórek, Ustowo-group, transition Wiórek/Lubon, Sarnowo-phase kujawi Funnel Beaker Culture (= phase I), possibly early Funnel Beaker culture, Pikutkowo, n/a, Lupawa-group, phase III, Lupawa-group, late phase with first Corded Ware influences, Funnel Beaker pottery and Badener elements, Bronocice, phase I (Lesser Poland Funnel Beaker Culture), Bronocice, phase II (Lesser Poland Funnel Beaker Culture), and Bronocice, phase III (Lesser Poland Funnel Beaker Culture)79Show
Early Bronze AgeWieselburg Group, Věteřov Group, Unterwölbing Group, Trzciniec horizon 4, Trzciniec horizon 3, Trzciniec horizon 2, Trzciniec horizon 1, Troja II, Troja I, Straubing Group, Stacheldrahtkeramik?, Stacheldrahtkeramik, Somogyvár-Vinkovci, Singen, Protourban, EB Ia, period I, Ottomány late, Ottomány-Gyulavarsánd, Ottomány early, Ottomány, Nyírség, Nowa-Cerekwia Group, Nitra Group, Nagyrév Group, n/a, Mureş culture, Mierzanowice IV, Mierzanowice III, Mierzanowice II, Mierzanowice I, Mierzanowice, Makó, Mad'arovce, Iwno III, Iwno II, Iwno I, Iwno culture, Hatván late, Hatván Group, Hatván early, Early Bronze Age 1a/local late Uruk, Kura-Arax-culture II, Amuq G, Jemdet Nasr, Frühdynastisch I, Djemdet Nasr, Gawra late, Ubaid, Gawra XI, Ubaid 3, Ubaid late, ASPRO 8, 9, Uruk, Djemdet Nasr, Gawra late, Ubaid, Gawra XI, Ubaid 3, Ubaid late, ASPRO 8, 9, Bz A2/B1, Bz A2, Bz A1, Bronze Antic/Bronze Mig, Bronze Antic, Bonnanaro culture, Boheimkirchen, Arad III, Areini IV, EB II, EB Ic, and Adlerberg group960Show
Jastorf cultureSeedorf, Rippdorf, Jastorf D, Jastorf C, Jastorf B, and Jastorf A1Show
Pre-Pottery NeolithicProtoneolithikum, PPNA, ASPRO 2, PPN I, PPNC, ASPRO 3, PPNB or pre PPNB, PPNB late, ASPRO 4, PPNB late, PPNB, Kermez Dere, Nemrik 9, PPNB final, ASPRO 5, PPNB final, ASPRO 4, PPNB early, ASPRO 3, PPNB early, PPNB, Çayönü intermediate layer, ASPRO 4, PPNB, ASPRO 4, PPNB, ASPRO 3/4, PPNB, ASPRO 3, PPNB, PPN, ASPRO 2-3, PPNA late – PPNB, ASPRO 3, PPNA late, ASPRO 3, PPNA late, ASPRO 2, PPNA/B, ASPRO 3, PPNA, ASPRO 2, Sultanien, PPNA, ASPRO 2, PPN A late, PPNA, ASPRO 2, PPNA, PPN, n/a, Khiamien, ASPRO 2, PPN A early, Khiamien, ASPRO 2, Ganj Dareh?, ASPRO 2-3, Epinatufien, Khiamien, ASPRO 2, PPN A, Epinatufien, ASPRO 2, PPN A early, end PPNB early, ASPRO 3, Early Neolithic, ASPRO 4, ASPRO 3, PPN?, ASPRO 3, PPN, ASPRO 3, Ganj Dareh?, ASPRO 3, Ganj Dareh, ASPRO 3, Abdul Hosein, ASPRO 3/4, ASPRO 3, ASPRO 2, Ganj Dareh?, ASPRO 2, Ganj Dareh, ASPRO 2, and Asikli Hüyük540Show
ASPRO 1Proto-Neolithic, Zawi Chemian, ASPRO 11Show
Kakanj cultureProtokakanj, Kakanj and n/a5Show
ChasséenProto-Chasseen and n/a5Show
Lepenski VirProto, n/a, II, Ie, Id-e, Id, Ic-d, Ib-c, and Ia36Show