
NamePhases 14C dates
21-40 / 285 show all
ÚněticeZich Stufe 4, Zich Stufe 3-4, Zich Stufe 3, Zich Stufe 2-3, Zich Stufe 2, Zich Stufe 1-2, Zich Stufe 1, Proto-Únětice, n/a, and classical phase205Show
Starcevo-Körös-Criș cultureZentralbalkanisches Middle Neolithic (Starcevo II-III), Zentralbalkanisches Middle Neolithic (Starcevo III), Zentralbalkanisches Middle Neolithic (Starcevo II), Starcevo-Cris, Starcevo, n/a, middle (II), late (III), IIb/III, Ib, Ia, early (I), and developed and late Starcevo, Veluška Tumba III134Show
Linear Pottery culture / LinearbandkeramikZeliezovce (late LBK), Zeliezovce-group, younger - youngest, younger (V according Meier-Arendt 1966), younger LBK (phase IIb or IIc), younger LBK (IId according Modderman), younger LBK (IId), younger LBK (based on C14 dating), younger LBK, younger dutch LBK (IId), younger, transition period III-IV, transition Mesolithic/Neolithic, Sárka-Stufe (transition LBK - Stroke-ornamented ware), Rubané récent, phase IV (or V) bohemian LBK, phase III, phase IId, phase IIc dutch LBK, phase IIa, phase Id dutch LBK, phase Ic dutch LBK, phase Ic, phase Ib dutch LBK, phase Ib/c dutch LBK, period IV (Sárka), oldest Notenkopf phase, oldest LBK, developed phase, oldest LBK, older to middle LBK, older LBK, stile phase 2a (s. Stehli 1994, 135 fig. 36)., older LBK (phase Ic), older LBK, older (Ic1), Notenkopf/Zeliezovce, Notenkopf phase developed LBK, Notenkopf phase, n/a, middle - younger LBK, middle to late LBK (Zeliezovce-Typ), middle LBK (phase IIa-c bohemian LBK), middle LBK (phase IIa), middle LBK, likely older or oldest phase, late Notenkopf pottery, late LBK (Sárka-Typ); phase IIa-c bohemian LBK, late LBK (Sárka-phase), late LBK (phase IIa-c bohemian LBK), late LBK/Notenkopf pottery, late LBK (middle phase Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (middle phase [II] Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (late phase Zeliezovce-group), late LBK (late phase [III] Zeliezovce-group), late, Langweiler 2, phase 3., Langweiler 2, phase 2b, Langweiler 2, phase 2a (IIa/b according Modderman), Langweiler 2, phase 1, Langweiler 1, phase 2 (IIc), III according Meier-Arendt (1966), IId (according Modderman), IIc (according Modderman), IIb (according Modderman), IIa2 (according Modderman), IIa1 (according Modderman), Id (according Modderman), Groupe de Blicquy, Flomborn, first part period III, end phase II, end period IV (Sárka), early phase of older transdanubian LBK, early LBK (?), early LBK, early, atypic, undecorated ware, early, developed first phase LBK, Alföld-LBK younger, Alföld-LBK late, Alföld-LBK, 7, 6 (Baden-Württemberg), 6, 5, 4, and 3. phase of period I599Show
Krivodol-Salcuta-Bubanj Hum (KSBh)Zaminec A-C, KSBh Ia, Zaminec A-C, Krivodol I-III, classical Krivodol-Salcuta-Bubanj-culture, KSBh Ia, KSBh Ia, Krivodol IV/V, last phase of Krivodol-Salcuta-Bubanj-culture, KSBh Ia, final Copper Age I, KSBh Ia, final Copper Age I, Krivodol-Salcuta-Bubanj Hum-Komplex III, KSBh Ia, final Copper Age II, Salcuta-Telis-Baile Herculane-Komplex, , KSBh Ia, final Copper Age I-II, Salcuta-Telis-Baile Herculane-Komplex, KSBh Ia, and early Krivodol, KSBh Ia23Show
Lusatian culture (Lausitzer Kultur)younger Rillenkeramik, Rillenkeramik, n/a, horizontal grooved pottery, Hofbuckelware, Fremdguppenzeitlich, and Buckelkeramik139Show
Schnurkeramikyounger Corded Ware, SN?, n/a, middle to younger Corded Ware, Mansfelder group, early phase (according to pottery), early Corded Ware (according to grave goods), and Corded Ware, Bernburg180Show