Short Citation: Manning 1985

Year: 1985

Author: Manning, Conleth and O'Sullivan, VR and Kaar, GF and Curtin, WA and McCormick, Finbar and Kennan, PS and Collins, J and Cooney, G and Brindley, AL and Lanting, JN and others

Long Citation: Manning, Conleth and O'Sullivan, VR and Kaar, GF and Curtin, WA and McCormick, Finbar and Kennan, PS and Collins, J and Cooney, G and Brindley, AL and Lanting, JN and others, A Neolithic burial mound at Ashleypark, Co. Tipperary. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, 1985, 61--100.


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