Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
381-400 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Cebrià 2000 | 2000 | Cebrià, A. | Cebrià, A., La Cova de la Guineu (Font-rubí, Alt Penedès). Ocupacions i usos d’una cavitat de la Serra de Font-rubí (Alt Penedès) des del tardiglacial fins a l’era moderna. Memòria de les campanyes realitzades en els anys 1997-1998-1999, Servei d’Arqueologia de la Generalitat de Catalunya. | 2 | Show | |
Cebrià / Bartrolí 1997 | 1997 | Cebrià, A. / Bartrolí, R. | Cebrià, A. / Bartrolí, R., La Cova de la Guineu . Ocupacions i usos d’una cavitat de la Serra de Font-rubí (Alt Penedès) del tardiglacial fins a l’era moderna. Memòria de les campanyes realitzades en els anys 1997-1998 i 1999. Servei d’Arqueologia de la Generalitat de Catalunya. | 1 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 29 | 1987 | Cecilio Gonzales-Gomez et al. | Cecilio Gonzales-Gomez et al., C. Gonzalez-Gomez et al., University of Granada Radiocarbon Dates IV, Radiocarbon 29, 1987, 381-388. | 4 | Show | |
Gonzalez-Gomez et al. 1986 | 1986 | Cecilio Gonzalez-Gomez | C. Gonzalez-Gomez et al., University of Granada Radiocarbon Dates III, Radiocarbon 28, 1986, 1200-1205. | 5 | Show | |
Gonzalez-Gomez 1992 | 1992 | Cecilio Gonzalez-Gomez | C. Gonzalez-Gomez, University of Granada Radiocarbon Dates VI, RADIOCARBON, VOL. 34, No. 1, 1992, P. 133-139] | 28 | Show | |
Gerling / Ciugudean 2013 | 2013 | C. Gerling / H. Ciugudean | C. Gerling / H. Ciugudean, Insights into the Transylvanian Early Bronze Age Using Strontium and Oxygen Isotope Analyses: A Pilot Study. In: VOLKER HEYD / GABRIELLA KULCSÁR / VAJK SZEVERENYI (Hrsg.), Transitions to the Bronze Age. Interregional Interaction and Socio-Cultural Change in the Third Millennium BC Carpathian Basin and Neighbouring Regions (Budapest 2014) 181-202. | 1 | Show | |
González Gómez et al. 1982 | 1982 | C. González Gómez, J.D. López González, M. Domingo | C. González Gómez, J.D. López González, M. Domingo, University of Granada. Radiocarbon Dates I, Radiocarbon 24 (2), 1982, 217-221. | 24 | Show | |
Chamberlain 1996 | 1996 | Chamberlain, Andrew T | Chamberlain, Andrew T, More dating evidence for human remains in British caves. Antiquity 70 / 270, 1996, 950--953. | 2 | Show | |
Chamberlain 1996 | 1996 | Chamberlain, Andrew T. | Chamberlain, Andrew T., More dating evidence for human remains in British caves. Antiquity 70 / 270, 1996, 950--953. | 1 | Show | |
Chapman 1997 | 1997 | Chapman, Andy | Chapman, Andy, The excavation of Neolithic and Medieval mounds at Tansor Crossroads, Northamptonshire, 1995. Northamptonshire Archaeol 27, 1997, 3--50. | 2 | Show | |
Chapman et al. 1993 | 1993 | Chapman et al. | Chapman et al., Coll, J. (1993), Aproximación a la arqueología funeraria de las culturas iniciales de la Prehistoria de Mallorca, Pyrenae, 24, pp. 93-114. 592 | 24 | Show | |
Chapple 2008 | 2008 | Chapple | Chapple, R. M. 2008. The absolute dating of archaeological excavations in Ulster carried out by Northern Archaeological Consultancy Ltd, 1998-2007. Ulster Journal of Archaeology 67: 153-181. | 0 | Show | |
Childe / Smith 1954 | 1954 | Childe, VG and Smith, IF | Childe, VG and Smith, IF, Excavation of a Neolithic Barrow on Whiteleaf Hill, Bucks. | 3 | Show | |
Chochorowski 2007 | 2007 | Chochorowski | Jan Chochorowski, Metodyczne i metodologiczne problemy datowania radiow?glowego pozosta?o?ci kremacji z grobów cia?opalnych kultury ?u?yckiej (na przyk?adzie materia?ów z czmentarzyska w Kietrzu). In: JAN CHOCHOROWSKI (Hrsg.), Studia nad epok? br?zu I wczesn? epok? ?elaza w Europie. Festschrift Marek Gedl (Kraków 2007) 103-138. | 23 | Show | |
Chochorowski et al. 2000 | 2000 | Chochorowski et al. | Jan Chochorowski / Janiak Rados?aw / Nikolaj Kovaljukh, Dating of Great fortiefied settlement in the basin of the Upper Warta ans Prosna Rivers. Geochronometria 19, 2000, 47-52. | 2 | Show | |
Christensen / Jensen 1991 | 1991 | Christensen / Jensen | K. Christensen / Jørgen Jensen, Egtvedpigens alder. Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 11-19, 1991, | 8 | Show | |
Cipollini-Sampò et al. 1999 | 1999 | Cipollini-Sampò et al. | M. Cipollini-Sampò / C. Tozzi / M.-L. Verola, Le Néolithique ancien dans le Sud-Est de la peninsule Italienne. In: Sud-Est de la peninsule Italienne Vaquer (ed.) 1999, Actes du XXIV Congrès Préhistorique de France, Carcassonne 1994, (Le Néolithique du Nord-Ouest méditerranéen"), 13-24. | 15 | Show | |
Clark 1936 | 1936 | Clark, Grahame | Clark, Grahame, The timber monument at Arminghall and its affinities. | 1 | Show | |
Clark / Godwin 1962 | 1962 | Clark, J and Godwin, H | Clark, J and Godwin, H, The Neolithic in the Cambridgeshire fens. Antiquity 36 / 141, 1962, 10--23. | 12 | Show | |
Claßen 1998 | 1998 | Claßen, Erich | Claßen, Erich, Der linearbandkeramische Siedlungsplatz Frimmersdorf 122, Erftkreis. (unpubl. Magisterarbeit Köln 1998) | 3 | Show |