Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
921-940 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Evans 1968 | 1968 | J. Evans | J. Evans, Knossos Neolithic, part II: summary and conclusions. Annual of the British School at Athens, 63, 267-276. | 2 | Show | |
Gasco 1983 | 1983 | J. Gasco | J. Gasco, Combustion d´orge et structure de conservation de l´Age de Bronze à la grotte des gazals (Aude). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française , Année 1983 , Volume 80 , Numéro 4, pp. 111-118. | 1 | Show | |
Goldhan 2005 | 2005 | J. Goldhahn | J. Goldhahn, Bredarör i Kivik. Nya analyser och dateringar av människoben Fornvännen 100, 2005, 97-100. | 7 | Show | |
Görsdorf et al. 2004 | 2004 | J. Görsdorf et al. | J. Görsdorf / H. Parzinger / A. Nagler, 14C dating ofthe Siberian Steppe Zone from Bronze Age to Scythiantime. In: Scott EM, Alekseev AY, Zaitseva GI, editors.Impact of the Environment on Human Migrationin Eurasia (2004), 83–9. | 5 | Show | |
Görsdorf / Bojadziev 1996 | 1996 | J. Görsdorf / J. Bojadziev | J. Görsdorf / J. Bojadziev, Zur absoluten Chronologie der bulgarischen Urgeschichte, Eurasia Antiqua, 2, 105-173. | 166 | Show | |
Górski et al. 2013 | 2013 | J. Górski / P. Jarosz / K. Tunia / S. Wilk / P. W?odarczak | J. Górski / P. Jarosz / K. Tunia / S. Wilk / P. W?odarczak, New evidence on the absolute chronology of the early Mierzanowice culture in south-eastern Poland, BUFM 74. | 62 | Show | |
Bech 2016 | 2016 | J.-H. Bech | J.-H. Bech, mündliche Mitteilung J.-H. Bech | 232 | Show | |
Bech 2013 | 2013 | J.-H. Bech | J.-H. Bech, J.-H. Bech, Early Bronze Age houses from Thy, Northwest Denmark. In: K.-H. Willroth (Hrsg.), Siedlungen der älteren Bronzezeit. Beiträge zur Siedlungsarchäologie und Paläoökologie des zweiten vorchristlichen Jahrtausends in Südskandinavien, Norddeutschland und den Niederlanden. Workshop vom 7. bis 9. April 2011 in Sankelmark. Studien zur nordeuropäischen Bronzezeit 1 (Neumünster 2013) 9-32. | 16 | Show | |
Money 1977 | 1977 | J. H. Money | J. H. Money, The Iron Age hillfort and Romano-British iron-working settlement at Garden Hill, Sussex, interim report on excavations 1968 - 76, Britannia 8, 1977, 339 - 50. | 2 | Show | |
Hoika1990 | 1990 | J. Hoika | J. Hoika, Megalithic Graves in the Funnel Beaker Culture of Schleswig-Holstein. Przegled Archeologiczny 37, 1990, 53-119. | 3 | Show | |
Kabaci?ski et al. 2011 | 2011 | J. Kabaci?ski, D. Król, T. Terberger | J. Kabaci?ski, D. Król, T. Terberger, Early pottery from the coastal site Rzucewo, Gulf of Gda?sk (Poland). Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 89, 2011, 393-407. | 2 | Show | |
Kabaci?ski / Terberger2011 | 2011 | J. Kabaci?ski, T. Terberger | J. Kabaci?ski, T. Terberger, Pots and pikes at D?bki 9, Koszalin district (Poland) - the early pottery on the Pomeranian coast. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 89, 2011, 361-392. | 24 | Show | |
Kneisel 2015 | 2015 | J. Kneisel | J. Kneisel, Mündl. Mitteilung. | 0 | Show | |
Kowalczyk 1968 | 1968 | J. Kowalczyk | J. Kowalczyk, A settlement of the Funnel Beaker Culture at Gródek Nadbu?ny in the Hrubieszów District. Archaeologia Polona 4, 1962, 111-120. | 0 | Show | |
Bischoff et al. 1994 | 1994 | J.L. Bischoff / K. Ludwig / J.F. Garcia / E. Carbonell / M. Vaquero / T.W. Stafford Jr./A.J.T. Jull | J.L. Bischoff / K. Ludwig / J.F. Garcia / E. Carbonell / M. Vaquero / T.W. Stafford Jr./A.J.T. Jull, Dating of the Basal Aurignacian Sandwich at Abric Romani (Catalunya, Spain) by Radiocarbon and Uranium-Series. Journal of archaeological science 21 / 4, 1994, 541-552. | 7 | Show | |
Bischoff et al. 1989 | 1989 | J.L. Bischoff / N. Soler / J. Maroto / R. Julià | J.L. Bischoff / N. Soler / J. Maroto / R. Julià, Abrupt Mousterian / Aurignacian boundary at c. 40 ka bp: Accelerator 14C dates from l’Arbreda Cave (Catalunya, Spain), Journal of Archaeological Science 16 / 6, 1989, 563-576. | 6 | Show | |
Cardoso 2014 | 2014 | J. L. Cardoso | J. L. Cardoso, Absolute chronology of the Beaker phenomenon North of the Tagus estuary: demographic and social implications, Trabajos de Prehistoria 71.1, 2014, 56-75. | 6 | Show | |
Cardoso / Monge Soares 1992 | 1992 | J. L. Cardoso / M. Monge Soares | J. L. Cardoso / M. Monge Soares, Cronologia absoluta para o campaniforme da Estremadura e do Sudoeste de Portugal. O Arqueólogo Português, vol. 8 / 10 (1992), 203-228. | 19 | Show | |
Lepiksaar 1983 | 1983 | J. Lepiksaar | J. Lepiksaar, Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Bog Site at Ageröd V inCentral Scania. Ageröd V- An Atlantic Bog Site in Central Scania. Acta ArchaeologicaLundensia 12 (Lund 1983). | 1 | Show | |
Arnaud 1993 | 1993 | J. M. Arnaud | J. M. Arnaud, O povoado calcolitico de Porto Torrão (Ferreira do Alentejo): síntese das investigações realizadas. Vipasca 2, 1993, 51-61. | 5 | Show |