Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
81-100 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Ambers / Bowman 1999 | 1999 | Ambers / Bowman | J. Ambers / S. Bowman, Radiocarbon Measurements from the British Museum Datelist 25. Archaeometry 41(1), 1999, 185-95. | 1 | Show | |
Ambers et al. 1987 | 1987 | Ambers et al. | Ambers, J./Matthews, K./Burleigh, R. (1987), British Museum Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XVIII, Radiocarbon 27, 3, pp. 508-524. | 2 | Show | |
Ambers et al. 1985 | 1985 | Ambers et al. | Ambers, J./Burleigh, R./Matthews, K. (1985), British Museum Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XIX, Radiocarbon 29, 1, pp. 61-77. | 1 | Show | |
Ambers / Bowman 1998 | 1998 | Ambers, J and Bowman, S | Ambers, J and Bowman, S, Radiocarbon measurements from the British Museum: datelist XXIV. Archaeometry 40 / 2, 1998, 413--435. | 9 | Show | |
Ambers / Bowman 2003 | 2003 | Ambers, J and Bowman, S | Ambers, J and Bowman, S, Radiocarbon measurements from the British Museum: datelist XXVI. Archaeometry 45 / 3, 2003, 531--540. | 12 | Show | |
Mederos Martín 2016 | 2016 | A. Mederos Martín | A. Mederos Martín, La Cronología actual de los sistemas des fosos del poblado calcolítico de Valencina de la Concepición (Sevilla) en el contexto del sur de la Península Iberica. Current Chronolgy of ditch system in the chalcolithic settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla ) in the context of the southern Iberian Peninsula, In: ARPI 04 Extra (2016) pp. 298-323 | 59 | Show | |
Amesbury et al. 2008 | 2008 | Amesbury, Matthew J. and Charman, Dan J. and Fyfe, Ralph M. and Langdon, Peter G. and West, Steve | Amesbury, Matthew J. and Charman, Dan J. and Fyfe, Ralph M. and Langdon, Peter G. and West, Steve, Bronze Age upland settlement decline in southwest England: testing the climate change hypothesis. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 / 1, 2008, 87--98. | 7 | Show | |
Mercuri et al. 2006 | 2006 | A. M. Mercuri et al. | A. M. Mercuri / C. A. Accorsi / M. B. Mazzanti / G. Bosi / A. Cardarelli / D. Labate / M. Marchesini / G. T. Grandi, Economy and environment of Bronze Age settlements – Terramaras – on the Po Plain (Northern Italy): first results from the archaeobotanical research at the Terramara di Montale. Veget. Hist. Archaeobot. 16, 2006. | 8 | Show | |
Soares et al. 2007 | 2007 | A.M. M. Soares, J. Soares, C. T. Silva | A.M. M. Soares, J. Soares, C. T. Silva, A datação pelo radiocarbono das fases de ocupação do Porto das Carretas-algumas refelexões sobre cronologia do Campaniforme. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia. Lisboa 2007. 10: 2, p. 127-134. | 7 | Show | |
Monge Soares 1996 | 1996 | A. Mongoe Soares | A. Monge Soares, Datação absoluta da estrutura neolítica junto à Igreja Velha de S. Jorge (Vila Verde de Ficalho, Serpa), Vipasca, 5, Aljustrel,1996, p.51-58. | 1 | Show | |
Bettencourt / Sampaio 2015 | 2015 | A. M. S. Bettencourt / H. A. Sampaio | A. M. S. Bettencourt / H. A. Sampaio, The middle and the beginning of the late Bronze Age in the Northwestern Iberia (2015). | 14 | Show | |
Silva 2012 | 2012 | A. M. Silva | Silva, A.M. (2012): Antropologia Funerária e Paleobiologia das Populações Portuguesas (Litorais) do Neolítico Final / Calcolítico. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. | 1 | Show | |
Soares 1999 | 1999 | A. M. Soares | Soares, A.M. (1999): “Megalitismo e Cronologia Absoluta”,en II Congreso de Arqueología Peninsular:689-706. Zamora (1996), Zamora, Fundación ReiAfonso Henríques. | 3 | Show | |
Sousa 2010 | 2010 | Ana Catarina Sousa | SOUSA, Ana Catarina (2010). O penedo do Lexim e a sequência do neolítico final e calcolítico da península de Lisboa. Tese de doutoramento em Arqueologia apresentada à Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa sob a direcção de Victor Gonçalves. BA: TESES / PI / Sou. | 16 | Show | |
Pajuelo Pando / López Aldana 2013 | 2013 | Ana Pajuelo Pando / Pedro Munuel López Aldana | A. Pajuelo Pando / P. Manuel López Aldana, Estudio Arqueozoológico de Estructuras significativas de C/ Mariana de Pineda S / N (Valencina de la Concepción, Sevilla), in: L. García Sanjuán et al. (Hrsg.), El Asentamiento Prehistórico de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla). Investigación y Tutela en el 150 Aniversario del Descubrimiento de La Pastora (Sevilla 2013) 445-458. | 2 | Show | |
Anberg & Wattman 1994 | 1994 | Anberg & Wattman | Anberg & Wattman 1994 | 1 | Show | |
Andersen 1975 | 1975 | Andersen | Andersen 1975. En Ertebølleplads ved Vængesø / Helgenæs. Hikuin 2" | 1 | Show | |
Andersen 1995 | 1995 | Andersen | Andersen pers. comm. April 1995 | 2 | Show | |
Andersen 1983 | 1983 | Andersen | Andersen 1983, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 2007 | 1 | Show | |
Andersen 1997 | 1997 | Andersen, Niels H. | Andersen, Niels H., The Sarup Enclosures: The Funnel Beaker Culture of the Sarup Site Including Two Causewaysed Camps Compared to the Contemporary Settlements in the Area and Other European Enclosures (Århus 1997). | 5 | Show |