
Short CitationYearAuthor Long CitationURL14C dates
1481-1500 / 2034 show all
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Petit 19981998Petit, M.A.Petit, M.A., Posar a l’hora el rellotge de la prehistòria: calibració de les datacions radiocarbòniques de la prehistòria moianesa, Modilianum 19, Moià, 3-20.4Show
Petit 19961996Petit, M.A. (Ed.)Petit, M.A. (Ed.), El procès de Neolització a la vall del Segre. La cova del Parco (Alòs de Balaguer, La Noguera). Estudi de les ocupacions humanes del Vè al Ier. mil.leni aC.. Monografies del SERP, 1, Universitat de Barcelona, p. 69.0Show
Petit / Estrada 19961996Petit, M. A. / Estrada, A.Petit, M. A. / Estrada, A., El procés de neolitització a la vall del Segre, In Petit, M. A. (ed.), El procés de neolitització a la vall del Segre. La cova del Parco (Alòs de Balaguer, La Noguera). Estudi de les ocupacions humanes del Vè al IIn mil·lenni aC). Monografies del SERP 1 (Barcelona, 1996). p. 49-53.3Show
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Petré 19611961PetréR. Petré, Ein bronzezeitlicher Grabhügel bei Nymölla, Ksp. Ivetofta, Schonen. Meddelanden fran Lunds universitets historiska museum 1961, 33 – 79.3Show
Petre & Strömberg 19581958Petre & StrömbergPetre & Strömberg 19582Show
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Pine / Ford 20032003Pine, Jo and Ford, StevePine, Jo and Ford, Steve, Excavation of Neolithic, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Early Saxon features at St Helen’s Avenue, Benson, Oxfordshire. Oxoniensia 68, 2003, 131--75.2Show
Pinhasi et al. 20052005Pinhasi, Ron and Fort, Joaquim and Ammerman, Albert JPinhasi, Ron and Fort, Joaquim and Ammerman, Albert J, Tracing the origin and spread of agriculture in Europe. PLoS biology 3 / 12, 2005, e410.31Show
Piningre et al. 19911991Piningre, Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois and Bostyn, Fran{\c{c}}oise and Coupe, Jean and Constantin, Claude and Delibrias, GPiningre, Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois and Bostyn, Fran{\c{c}}oise and Coupe, Jean and Constantin, Claude and Delibrias, G, L'atelier de taille des Sablins a Etaples (Pas-de-Calais). Gallia prehistoire 33 / 1, 1991, 83--135.3Show
Drury 19781978P. J. DruryP. J. Drury, Excavations at Little Waltham 1970-71,CBA Res Rep, 26, Chelmsford Excavation Committee Report, 1.5Show
Fasham 19821982P.J. FashamP.J. Fasham, The excavation of four ring ditches in central Hampshire, Proc Hampshire Fid Club Archaeol Soc, 38, 19 - 56, 1983 Fieldwork in and around Micheldever Wood, Hampshire, 1973 - 1980, Proc Hampshire Fid Club Archaeol Soc, 39, 5-45.12Show
Fasham 19781978P.J. FashamP.J. Fasham, The excavation of a triple barrow in Micheldever Wood, Hampshire, Proc Hampshire Fid Club Archaeol Soc, 35, 5-40.3Show
Fasham / Whinney 19911991P.J. Fasham / R.J.B. WhinneyP.J. Fasham / R.J.B. Whinney, Archaeology and the M3, Hampshire Fid Club Archaeol Soc Monogr, 7.12Show
Woodward 19781978P. J. WoodwardP. J. Woodward, Flint distribution, ring ditches and Bronze Age settlement patterns in the Great Ouse valley, Archaeol J, 135, 32 - 56.1Show