Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1361-1380 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Germany 2007 | 2007 | Germany, Mark | Germany, Mark, Neolithic and Bronze Age Monuments and Middle Iron Age Settlement at Lodge Farm, St Osyth, Essex: Excavations 2000-3 117 (2007). | 21 | Show | |
Eriksson 2003 | 2003 | G. Eriksson | G. Eriksson, Norm and difference : Stone Age dietary practice in the Baltic region. Theses and Papers in Scientific Archaeology 5 (Stockholm2003). | 19 | Show | |
Eriksson et al. 2008 | 2008 | Eriksson et al. | G. Eriksson, A. Linderholm, E. Fornander, M. Kanstrup, P. Schoultz, H. Olofsson, K. Lidén, Same island, different diet. Cultural evolution of food practice on Öland, Sweden, from the Mesolithic to the Roman Period, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27, 2008, 520-543. | 82 | Show | |
Gent / Quinnell 1999 | 1999 | Gent, TH and Quinnell, H | Gent, TH and Quinnell, H, Salvage recording on the Neolithic site at Haldon Belvedere. | 9 | Show | |
Geisler 1996 | 1996 | Geisler, Horst | Geisler, Horst, Naturwissenschaftliche Daten zum brandenburgischen Neolithikum. In: Werner Budesheim / Horst Keiling (Hrsg.), Zur jüngeren Steinzeit in Norddeutschland. Beiträge für Wissenschaft und Kultur Band 2. Neumünster, 85-88. | 3 | Show | |
Grønnesby 2012 | 2012 | Grønnesby 2012 | Geir Grønnesby, Bronsealdergravenepå Toldnes og Holan. Markører av en passasje. In: Graver i veien. Arkeologiske undersøkelser E6 Steinkjer Vitark 8 (Trondheim 2012) 173-185. | 10 | Show | |
Gedl 1988 | 1988 | Gedl | Gedl, M. Gedl, Zu Datierungsfragen der Nowa Cerekwia-Gruppe in Oberschlesien. Slovenská Archeológia 36, 1, 1988, 33-54. | 15 | Show | |
De Mulder et al. 2013 | 2013 | De Mulder et al. | G. DE Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / W. De Clercq, 14c dating of “brandgrubengräber” from the Bronze Age to the Roman Period in Western Flanders (Belgium). Radiocarbon 55, 2-3, 2013, 1233-45. | 45 | Show | |
De Mulder et al. 2007 | 2007 | De Mulder et al. | G. De Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / M. Boudin / W. Leclercq / N. Paridaens / E. Warmenbol, Re-evaluation of the late bronze age and early Iron Age chronology of the western Belgian urnfields based on 14c dating of cremated bones. Radiocarbon 49, 2, 2007, 499–514 | 55 | Show | |
De Mulder et al. 2009 | 2009 | De Mulder et al. | G. De Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / M. Boudin, The impact of cremated bone dating on the archaeological chronology of the low countries. Radiocarbon 51, 2, 2009, 579–600. | 97 | Show | |
De Mulder et al. 2012 | 2012 | G. de Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / M. Boudin | G. de Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / M. Boudin, La Validité de la méthode de datation par le 14C des os incinérßes à l´état actuel. In: M. C. Hortalà / F. J. López Cachero / F. Mazière (dirs), Le necròpolis d´incineració entre l´Ebre i el Tíber (segles IX-VI aC): methodologia, pràctiques funeràries i societat, Monografies 14, MAC (Barcelona 2012) 391-401. | 5 | Show | |
De Mulder 2014 | 2014 | G. De Mulder | G. de Mulder, Les rites funéraires dans le nord du bassin de L´escaut à l´âge du Bronze final et au premier âge du fer. In: In: A. Cahen-Delhaaye / G. De Mulder, Des Espaces aux esprits. L´organisation de la mort aux âges des Métaux dans le nord-ouest de l´Europe. Études et Documents Archéologie 32, Namur 2014, 15-28. | 1 | Show | |
Burenhult 1973 | 1973 | Burenhult, G. | G. Burenhult, En långdös vid Hindby mosse, Malmö : anl. 1, kv. Bronsyxan, Fosie sn. Malmöfynd ; 2 (Malmö1973). | 1 | Show | |
B?lan / Quinn 2014 | 2014 | G. B?lan / C.P. Quinn | G. B?lan / C.P. Quinn, Radiocarbon data of funerary discoveries from Middle Bronze Age settlement at Mice?ti-Ciga? (Alba County, Romania). Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica 18, 2014, 119-126. | 2 | Show | |
Billand / Talon 2007 | 2007 | G. Billand / M. Talon | G. Billand / M. Talon, Apport du Bronze Age Studies Group au Vieillissement des Hair-Rings". In: Burgess, C., Topping, P. & Lynch, F. (eds.) Beyond Stonehenge. essays on the Bronze Age in Honour of Colin Burgess (Oxford 2007) 344-353. | 0 | Show | |
Billand / Le-Goff / Talon 2017 | 2017 | G. Billand / I. Le-Goff / M. Talon | G. Billand / I. Le-Goff / M. Talon, Evolution of rites and funerary systems during the Early and Middle Bronze Age in the north-west of France In: A. LehoËrff / M. Talon (Hrsg.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers (Oxford 2017) 133-158. | 37 | Show | |
Gasull et al. 1984b | 1984b | Gasull et al. | Gasull, P./Lull, V./Sanahuja Yll, Ma E. (1984b), La habitación n° 5 de Son Fornés (Montuiri- Mallorca): modelo de una vivienda talayótica, en Chapman, R. W., Waldren, W. H. y Kennard, R.-C. (eds), The Deya Conference of Prehistory. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 229, pp. 1259-1297. Oxford. | 7 | Show | |
Gasull et al. 1981 | 1981 | Gasull et al. | Gasull, P./Lull, V./Sanahuja Yll, Ma E. (1981), Procesos de trabajo en la construcción del talaiot n° 1 de Son Fornés (Montuiri, Mallorca), Pyrenae, 17- 18, pp. 211-230. | 2 | Show | |
Gasco 1990 | 1990 | Gasco, J. | Gasco, J., La chronologie de l’Age du Bronze et du Prémier Age du Fer en France méditerranéenne et en Catalogne in Guilaine, J., Gutherz, X. (dir), Autour de Jean Arnal, Montpellier, 385-403. | 0 | Show | |
Garrow et al. 2005 | 2005 | Garrow, Duncan and Beadsmoore, Emma and Knight, Mark | Garrow, Duncan and Beadsmoore, Emma and Knight, Mark, Pit clusters and the temporality of occupation: an earlier Neolithic site at Kilverstone, Thetford, Norfolk. | 8 | Show |