Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1521-1540 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Radiocarbon 1963 | 1963 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1963: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 5 (New Haven / 1963) | 70 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1964 | 1964 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1964: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 6 (New Haven / 1964) | 28 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1965 | 1965 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1965: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 7 (New Haven / 1965) | 43 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1966 | 1966 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1966: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 8 (New Haven / 1966) | 45 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1967 | 1967 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1967: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 9 (New Haven / 1967) | 1 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1969 | 1969 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1969: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, J. G. Olgen, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 11 (New Haven / 1969) | 2 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1970 | 1970 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1970: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, J. G. Ogden, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 12 (New Haven / 1970) | 2 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1972 | 1972 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1972: R. Foster Flint, M. Stuiver, I. Rouse, J. G. Ogden, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 14 (New Haven / 1972) | 4 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1973 | 1973 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1973: R. Foster Flint, M. Stuiver, I. Rouse, J. G. Ogden, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 15 (New Haven / 1973) | 5 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1974 | 1974 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1974: R. Foster Flint, M. Stuiver, I. Rouse, J. G. Ogden, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 16 (New Haven / 1974) | 4 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1977 | 1977 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1977: R. Foster Flint, M. Stuiver, I. Rouse, J. G. Ogden, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 19 (New Haven / 1977) | 2 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1978 | 1978 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1978: I. Rouse, J. G. Ogden, S. C. Porter, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 20 (New Haven / 1978) | 6 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1979 | 1979 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1979: M. Stuiver, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 21 (New Haven / 1979) | 2 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1982 | 1982 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1982: M. Stuiver, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 24 (New Haven / 1982) | 2 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1984 | 1984 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1984: M. Stuiver, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 26 (New Haven / 1984) | 1 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1998 | 1998 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1979: A. Long, Radiocarbon. An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research. Proceedings of the 16th International Radiocarbon Conference, 1997 (Tucson / 1998) | 4 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 29 | 1987 | Cecilio Gonzales-Gomez et al. | Cecilio Gonzales-Gomez et al., C. Gonzalez-Gomez et al., University of Granada Radiocarbon Dates IV, Radiocarbon 29, 1987, 381-388. | 4 | Show | |
Rae et al. 1984 | 1984 | Rae et al. | Rae et al., Rae, A. M./Ivanovich, M./Sweeting, M. M. (1984), Natural Uranium in the Cave of Son Muleta, Mallorca. A Background Study for Uranium Series Dating of Bones, en WALDREN, W. H., CHAPMAN, R. W., LEWTHWAITE, J. y KENNARD, R.-C. (eds), The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and their Peripherial Areas, part iii. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 229, Oxford, pp. 295-311. | 11 | Show | |
Raemaekers2011 | 2011 | D.C.M. Raemaekers | D.C.M. Raemaekers, Early Swifterbant pottery (5000-4600 cal BC): Research history, age, characteristics and the introduction of pottery. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 89, 2011, 485-500. | 12 | Show | |
Raemaekers et al. 2009 | 2009 | Daan C.M. Raemaekers, Helle M. Molthof, Liesbeth Smits | Daan C.M. Raemaekers, Helle M. Molthof, Liesbeth Smits, The textbook 'dealing with death' from the Neolithic Swifterband culture (5000-3400 BC), the Netherlands. Berichte RGK 88, 2007, 529-550. | 8 | Show |