
Short Citation YearAuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
661-680 / 2034 show all
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Nocete Calvo et al. 20082008Nocete Calvo, F.; Queipo de Llano, G.; Sáenz, R.; Nieto, J.M.; Inácio, N.; Rodríguez Bayona, M.; Peramo, A.; Vargas Jiménez, J.M.; Cruz-Auñón Briones, R.; Gil-Ibarguchi, J.I. and Santos, J.F.Nocete Calvo, F.; Queipo de Llano, G.; Sáenz, R.; Nieto, J.M.; Inácio, N.; Rodríguez Bayona, M.; Peramo, A.; Vargas Jiménez, J.M.; Cruz-Auñón Briones, R.; Gil-Ibarguchi, J.I. and Santos, J.F. 2008: “The smelting quarter of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain): the specialised copper industry in a political centre of the Guadalquivir valley during the Third Millennium BC (2750-2500 BC)”. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 717-732.8Show
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