
Short Citation YearAuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1481-1500 / 2034 show all
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Dubouloz 20032003Dubouloz, JeromeDubouloz, Jerome, Datation absolue du premier Neolithique du Bassin parisien: complement et relecture des donnees RRBP et VSG. Bulletin de la Societe prehistorique fran{\c{c}}aise, 2003, 671--689.23Show
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Drury et al. 19781978Drury, Paul John and Committee, Chelmsford Excavation and othersDrury, Paul John and Committee, Chelmsford Excavation and others, Excavations at Little Waltham, 1970-71 (1978).1Show
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Dresser 19851985Dresser, QuentinDresser, Quentin, University College Cardiff radiocarbon dates I. Radiocarbon 27 / 2B, 1985, 338--85.1Show