
Short Citation YearAuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1581-1600 / 2034 show all
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Cooper et al. 20082008Cooper, Anwen and Edmonds, Mark and Beech, MarkCooper, Anwen and Edmonds, Mark and Beech, Mark, Past and present: excavations at Broom, Bedfordshire 1996-2005 (2008).1Show
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Collet et. al. 20012001H. Collet and F. Huber and J.-P- Joris and M. ToussaintH. Collet and F. Huber and J.-P- Joris and M. Toussaint, Spiennes: l'état des connaissances et bibliographie, Guide des sites préhistorique et protohistorique de Wallonie. Vie Archéologique (numéro special),2001, 86-89.1Show
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Coles / Orme / Hilbert 19751975J. M. Coles / B. J. Orme / F. A. HilbertJ. M. Coles / B. J. Orme / F. A. Hilbert, The Eclipse Track, Somerset Levels Pap, 1, 20 - 8.3Show
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