Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1361-1380 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Olausson 1993 | 1993 | Olausson | Olausson 1993, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 2007 | 2 | Show | |
Oldeberg 1976 | 1976 | A. Oldeberg | A. Oldeberg, Die ältere Metallzeit in Schweden (Stockholm1976). | 3 | Show | |
Oleszczak / Twardowski 2011 | 2011 | ?. Oleszczak / W. Twardowski | ?. Oleszczak / W. Twardowski, Tresta Rz?dowa, stanowisko 1 cmentarzysko kultury ?u?yckiej z Polski ?rodkowej. Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne 1 (Kraków 2011). | 6 | Show | |
Olsen et al. 2011 | 2011 | Olsen et al. | Jesper Olsen / Karen Margrethe Hornstrup / Jan Heinemeier / Pia Bennike / Henrik Thrane, Chronology of the Danish Bronze Age based on 14C Dating of cremated bone remains. Radiocarbon 53, 2, 2011, 261-275. | 55 | Show | |
Olsson 1997 | 1997 | E. Olsson | E. Olsson, Nivå, kronologi och samhälle. Omöstsvensk gropkeramik. In: A. Åkerlund, S. Bergh, J. Nordbladh, J. Taffinder, (eds), Till Gunborg. Arkeologiska samtal. SAR 33 (Stockholm1997) 441-453. | 19 | Show | |
Orme 1982 | 1982 | Orme, BJ | Orme, BJ, The use of radiocarbon dates from the Somerset Levels. Somerset Levels Papers 8, 1982, 9--25. | 50 | Show | |
Orme et al 1979 | 1979 | B. J. orme / J. M. Coles / C. R. Sturdy | B. J. orme / J. M. Coles / C. R. Sturdy, B. J. orme / J. M. Coles / C. R. Sturdy, Meare Lake VillageWest: a report on recent work, Somerset Levels Pap, 5, 6 - 17. | 1 | Show | |
Orme et al 1981 | 1981 | B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / G. N. Bailey | B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / G. N. Bailey, B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / G. N. Bailey, Meare Village West 1979, Somerset Levels Pap, 7, 12 - 69. | 1 | Show | |
Orme et al 1985 | 1985 | B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / R. A. Morgan | B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / R. A. Morgan, B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / R. A. Morgan, Thirdmillennium structures on Walton Heath, Somerset Levels Pap, 11, 62-8. | 2 | Show | |
Othenin-Girard 1997 | 1997 | Othenin-Girard, Blaise | Othenin-Girard, Blaise, Le campaniforme d'Alle, Noir Bois (Jura, Suisse). Cahier d'archéologie jurassienne ; 7 (Porrentruy1997). | 2 | Show | |
Otlet / Slade 1974 | 1974 | Otlet / Slade | OTLET, R.L./B.S. SLADE. 1974. Harwell Radiocarbon Measurements I. Radiocarbon 16(2): 178-91. | 0 | Show | |
Ottaway 1995 | 1995 | Ottaway, Barbara S. | Ottaway, Barbara S., Ergolding, Fischergasse - eine Feuchtbodensiedlung der Altheimer Kultur in Niederbayern. Materialhefte zur bayerischen Vorgeschichte : Reihe A, Fundinventare und Ausgrabungsbefunde ; 68 (Kallmünz / Opf.1995). | 10 | Show | |
Ottaway 1999 | 1999 | Ottaway, Barbara S. | Ottaway, Barbara S., A changing place : the Galgenberg in Lower Bavaria from the fifth to the first millenium B.C. BAR international series 752 (Oxford1999). | 19 | Show | |
O´Shea 1991 | 1991 | J. O´Shea | J. O´Shea, J. O’Shea, A radiocarbon-based chronology for the Maros Group of southeast Hungary. Antiquity 66, 1991, 97-102 | 7 | Show | |
Peche-Quilichini 2013 | 2013 | Peche-Quilichini | Peche-Quilichini, mündl. Mitteilung K. Peche-Quilichini2013 | 7 | Show | |
PP | n/a | n / a | PP | 1 | Show | |
Pacciarelli / Scarano / Crispino 2015 | 2015 | M.Pacciarelli / T. Scarano / A. Crispino | M.Pacciarelli / T. Scarano / A. Crispino, The transition between the Copper and Bronze Ages in southern Italy and Sicily. In: HARALD MELLER / H. W. ARZ / REINHARD JUNG / ROBERTO RISCH (Hrsg.), 2200 BC - Ein Klimasturz als Ursache für den Zerfall der Alten Welt? 7. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 23. bis 26. Oktober 2014 in Halle (Saale). Tagungsberichte des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 12 (Halle (Ssaale) 2015) 253-281. | 57 | Show | |
Page 2001 | 2001 | N. Page | N. Page, N. Page, A477 Sageston-Redberth bypass (SN 082 038), Archaeology in Wales 41, 2001, 124. | 4 | Show | |
Page 2002 | 2002 | N. Page | N. Page, N. Page, A477 (T) Sageston-Redberth bypass. Excavation of a Neolithic occupation site 2001, Unpublished client report. | 4 | Show | |
Pajuelo Pando / López Aldana 2013 | 2013 | Ana Pajuelo Pando / Pedro Munuel López Aldana | A. Pajuelo Pando / P. Manuel López Aldana, Estudio Arqueozoológico de Estructuras significativas de C/ Mariana de Pineda S / N (Valencina de la Concepción, Sevilla), in: L. García Sanjuán et al. (Hrsg.), El Asentamiento Prehistórico de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla). Investigación y Tutela en el 150 Aniversario del Descubrimiento de La Pastora (Sevilla 2013) 445-458. | 2 | Show |