Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1541-1560 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Ramis et al. 2004 | 2004 | Ramis et al. | Ramis, D./Santandreu, G./Carreras, J. (2004), n prensa), Resultats preliminars de l"excavació arqueológica a la Cova des Moro entre 1999 i 2002, en III Jornades d"Estudis Locals de Manacor 2004. Espai, fet urbà i societats (21 i 22 maig 2004). Ajuntament de Manacor, Manacor. | 3 | Show | |
Ramis / Alcover 2001 | 2001 | Ramis / Alcover | Ramis, D./Alcover, J. A. (2001), Revisiting the Earliest Human Presence in Mallorca, Western Mediterranean, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 67, pp. 261-269. 599 | 2 | Show | |
Ramis / Bover 2001 | 2001 | Ramis / Bover | Ramis, D./Bover, P. (2001), A Review of the Evidence for Domestication of Myotragus balearicus Bate 1909 (Artyodactyla, Caprinae) in the Balearic Islands, Journal of Archaeological Science, 28, pp. 265-282. | 2 | Show | |
Ramsey et al. 1999 | 1999 | Ramsey, C. Bronk and Pettitt, P. B. and Hedges, R. E. M. and Hodgins, G. W. L. and Owen, D. C. | Ramsey, C. Bronk and Pettitt, P. B. and Hedges, R. E. M. and Hodgins, G. W. L. and Owen, D. C., Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford Ams System: Archaeometry Datelist 28. Archaeometry 41 / 2, 1999, 421--431. | 39 | Show | |
Ramsey et al. 2000 | 2000 | Ramsey, C. Bronk and Pettitt, P. B. and Hedges, R. E. M. and Hodgins, G. W. L. and Owen, D. C. | Ramsey, C. Bronk and Pettitt, P. B. and Hedges, R. E. M. and Hodgins, G. W. L. and Owen, D. C., Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford Ams System: Archaeometry Datelist 30. Archaeometry 42 / 2, 2000, 459--479. | 72 | Show | |
Ramsey et al. 2002 | 2002 | Ramsey, C. Bronk and Higham, T. F. G. and Owen, D. C. and Pike, A. W. G. and Hedges, R. E. M. | Ramsey, C. Bronk and Higham, T. F. G. and Owen, D. C. and Pike, A. W. G. and Hedges, R. E. M., Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford Ams System: Archaeometry Datelist 31. Archaeometry 44, 2002, 1--150. | 354 | Show | |
Ramseyer 1987 | 1987 | Ramseyer, Denis | Ramseyer, Denis, Delley / Portalban II. Contribution à l'étude du Néolithique en Suisse occidentale 1 (Fribourg1987). | 10 | Show | |
Randsborg 1993 | 1993 | Randsborg | K. Randsborg, Oak Coffins and Bronze Age Settlements at Hemmed, Højgård and Trappendal, Jutland Danmark. In: STEEN HVASS / BIRGER STORGAARD (Hrsg.), Digging into the past. 25 years of archaeology in Denmark (Aarhus 1993) 164-165. | 6 | Show | |
Rapport KLM 2009 | 2009 | Rapport KLM | Rapport KLM 2009 | 2 | Show | |
Rasmussen 1986 | 1986 | Rasmussen, Lisbeth Wincentz | Rasmussen, Lisbeth Wincentz, Nye C 14 dateringer for grubekeramisk kultur i Danmark. Arkæologiske Skrifter Kopenhagen 1, 1986, 211-212. | 17 | Show | |
Rasmussen 1992 | 1992 | Rasmussen | Rasmussen 1992 | 2 | Show | |
Rasmussen 1993 | 1993 | Rasmussen, Marianne | Rasmussen, Marianne, Kaare Lund Rasmussen, Danske arkæologiske C-14 dateringer. Arkeologiske Udgravninger i Danmark 1992 / 1993, 1993, 156-162. | 61 | Show | |
Rasmussen 1995 | 1995 | Rasmussen, Kaare Lund | Rasmussen pers. comm. April 1995 | 7 | Show | |
Rasmussen 1996 | 1996 | Rasmussen, K. L.; Rahbek, U.; Vandkilde, H. | Rasmussen, K. L.; Rahbek, U.; Vandkilde, H., Radiocarbon Dating and the Chronology of Bronze Age Southern Scandinavia. In: Randsborg, K.(ed.), Absolute Chronology: Archaeological Europe 2500-500 BC. Acta Archaeologica; 67 (København1996) 183-198. | 0 | Show | |
AUD | n/a | n / a | Arkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark | 1 | Show | |
Rasmussen / Boas 1982 | 1982 | Rasmussen, Lisbeth Wincentz / Boas, Niels Axel | Rasmussen, Lisbeth Wincentz / Boas, Niels Axel, Kainsbakke og Kirial Bro. To bopladser fra den grubekeramiske kultur ved Grenå. Antikvariske Studier 5, 104-114. | 3 | Show | |
Rassamakin & Menotti 2011 | 2011 | Rassamakin & Menotti | Rassamakin & Menotti 2011 | 7 | Show | |
Rassamakin 2004 | 2004 | Rassamakin | Rassamakin 2004: J. J. Rassamakin, Azovo-Pontijskie stepi v ?pochu medi : pogrebal'nye pamjatniki serediny V - konca IV tys. do n. e.. Archäologie in Eurasien, Band 17 (Mainz/ 2004) | 5 | Show | |
Rassamakin 2012 | 2012 | Rassamakin, Yuri | Rassamakin, Yuri, Absolute Chronology of Ukrainian Tripolian Settlements. In: Korvin-Piotrovskiy, Aleksey G.(ed.), The Tripolye Culture giant-settlements in Ukraine: Formation, development and decline (Havertown2012). | 32 | Show | |
Rassmann 1993 | 1993 | Rassmann | Knut Rassmann, Spätneolithikum und frühe Bronzezeit im Flachland zwischen Elbe und Oder. Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns 28 (Lübstorf 1993). | 33 | Show |