
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
241-260 / 2034 show all
Miles 19751975H. MilesH. Miles, Barrows on the St Austell Granite, Cornwall,Cornish Archaeol, 14, 5-82.2Show
Jonsäter 1975?1975M. JonsäterM. Jonsäter, Gånggriften vid Sjöbol, Lyse Sn., Bohuslän Fornvännen 3–4, 1975. 138–143.1Show
Baldellou et al. 19751975Baldellou, V. / Guilaine, J. / Mestres, J. / Thommeret, J.Baldellou, V. / Guilaine, J. / Mestres, J. / Thommeret, J., Datations C14 de la grotte de la Font del Molinot. In: Pyrenae 11, 1975, 151-153.4Show
Burleigh 19751975Burleigh, RBurleigh, R, Radiocarbon dates for flint mines.1Show
Lawn 19751975B. LawnB. Lawn, B. Lawn, University of Pennsylvania radiocarbon dates XVIII. Radiocarbon, 17, 196-215.11Show
Shotton et al. 19751975Shotton et al.SHOTTON, F.W., WILLIAMS, R.E.G./A.S. JOHNSON. 1975. Birmingham University Radiocarbon Dates IX. Radiocarbon 17(3): 255-75.0Show
Drewett 19751975P. Drewett P. Drewett, The excavation of an oval burial mound of the third millenium BC at Alfriston, East Sussex, 1974, Proc Prehist Soc, 41, 119 - 152.3Show
Fischer 19751975Fischer, ChristianFischer, Christian, Tidlig-neolitiske anlæg ved Rustrup. Kuml, 29-72.3Show
Cura et al. 19751975Cura, M. / Thommeret, Y. / Guilaine, J. Cura, M. / Thommeret, Y. / Guilaine, J. , Une datation C14 du dolmen de la Llanera (Solsona). In: Pyrenae 11, 1975. 154-155.2Show
Simmons 19751975B. SimmonsB. Simmons, Salt-making sites in the Silt Fens ofLincolnshire in the Iron Age and Roman periods, in Salt: the study of an ancient industry (ed K Wde Brisay and K A Evans), 33-6.2Show
Wyszomirska 19751975WyszomirskaWyszomirska, B., 1975. Människofigurer på den skånska gropkeramiken [Human figures on the Scanian pitted ware]. Fornvännen 701Show
Waldren / Rosselló Borooy 19751975Waldren / Rosselló BorooyWaldren, W./Rosselló Bordoy, G. (1975), Cueva de Muleta (Sóller, Mallorca). Estudio de los materiales arqueológicos, Noticiario Arqueológico Hispánico - Prehistoria , 3, pp. 91-107.1Show
Guilbert 1975b1975G. GuilbertG. Guilbert, Moel y Gaer, 1973: an area excavation on the defences, Antiquity, 49, 109 - 17.11Show
Stuiver / Waldren 19751975Stuiver / WaldrenStuiver, M./Waldren, W. H. (1975), 14C carbonate dating and the age of post- Talayotic lime burials in Mallorca, Nature, 255, pp. 475- 476.19Show
Coles / Coles 19751975J. M. Coles / M. M. ColesJ. M. Coles / M. M. Coles, Check-list of radiocarbon dates relating to archaeological sites in the Levels, Somerset Levels Pap, 1, 54 - 5.1Show
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Jackson 19761976Jackson, DAJackson, DA, The excavation of Neolithic and Bronze Age Sites at Aldwincle, Northants, 1967-71. Northamptonshire Archaeology 11, 1976, 12--70.1Show
Dolukhanov et. al. 19761976P. Dolukhanov and A. Semyontsov and Y. Svezhentsev and V. Timofeev and Y. Romanova and N. MalanovaP. Dolukhanov and A. Semyontsov and Y. Svezhentsev and V. Timofeev and Y. Romanova and N. Malanova, Radiocarbon dates of the Institute of Arcaeology III, Radiocarbon 18, 2 / 1976, 190 - 201.2Show
Corominas / Marqués 19761976Corominas, J.M. / Marquès, J.Corominas, J.M. / Marquès, J., La comarca de Bañolas. Girona, Diputació Provincial, p. 84.4Show
Easton 19761976D. F. EastonD. F. Easton, Towards a Chronology for the Anatolian Early Bronze Age, Anatolian Studies - Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara XXVI, 1976, 145-173.1Show