
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
261-280 / 2034 show all
Burleigh et al. 19761976Burleigh, Richard and Hewson, Andrew and Meeks, NigelBurleigh, Richard and Hewson, Andrew and Meeks, Nigel, British Museum Natural radiocarbon measurements VIII.. Radiocarbon 18 / 1, 1976, 16--42.2Show
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Corominas / Marqués 19761976Corominas, J.M. / Marquès, J.Corominas, J.M. / Marquès, J., La comarca de Bañolas. Girona, Diputació Provincial, p. 84.4Show
Musson 19761976C. R. MussonC. R. Musson, Excavations at the Breddin 1969-73, in Hillforts: later prehistoric earthworks in Britain and Ireland (ed D W Harding), 293 - 302.5Show
Oldeberg 19761976A. OldebergA. Oldeberg, Die ältere Metallzeit in Schweden (Stockholm1976).3Show
Pye 19761976W:R: PyeW:R: Pye, W.R. Pye, Fron DDyrys, Archaeology in Wales 16, 1976, 29.2Show
Kaufmann 19761976Kaufmann, DieterKaufmann, Dieter, Wirtschaft und Kultur der Stichbandkeramiker im Saalegebiet. Veröffentlichungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte in Halle ; 30 (Berlin1976).0Show
Easton 19761976D. F. EastonD. F. Easton, Towards a Chronology for the Anatolian Early Bronze Age, Anatolian Studies - Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara XXVI, 1976, 145-173.1Show
Attkinson et al 19761976R. J. C. Attkinson / F. de M. Vatcher / H. L. VatcherR. J. C. Attkinson / F. de M. Vatcher / H. L. Vatcher, Radiocarbon dates for the Stonehenge Avenue, Antiquity 50, 239-40.1Show
Fischer 19761976FischerFischer et al 1986: A. Fischer, H. Tauber, New C-14 datings of Late Palaeolithic cultures from northwestern Europe. Journal of Danish Archaeology 5.1, 1986, 7-131Show
Webley 19761976Webley, DPWebley, DP, How the west was won: prehistoric land-use in the Southern Marches. Welsh Antiquity, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 1976, 19--35.2Show
Thevenot et al. 19761976Thevenot, J.-P. / Strahm, C. / Beeching, A. / Bill, J. / Bocquet, A. / Gallay, A. / Pétrquin, P. / Schifferdecker, F.Thevenot, J.-P. / Strahm, C. / Beeching, A. / Bill, J. / Bocquet, A. / Gallay, A. / Pétrquin, P. / Schifferdecker, F., La civilisation Saône-Rhône. Revue archéologique de l'est et du centre-est 27, 331-417.1Show
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Longley 19761976D. LongleyD. Longley, Excavations on the site of a Late Bronze Age settlement at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, London Archaeol. 3,1976, 10-17.2Show
Marshall / Taylor 19791976Marshall, DN and Taylor, ID and SCOTT, JGMarshall, DN and Taylor, ID and SCOTT, JG, The excavation of the chambered cairn at Glenvoidean, Isle of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Edinburgh 108, 1976, 1--39.1Show
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Linick 19771977T. W. LinickT. W. Linick, La Jolla radiocarbon measurements VII. Radiocarbon, 19, 19-48.10Show
Donaldson 19771977P. DonaldsonP. Donaldson, The excavation of a multiple round barrow atBarnack, Cambridgeshire 1976, Antiq J, 57, 1976, 197 - 231.7Show