
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
501-520 / 2034 show all
Kopper 19841984KopperKopper, J. S. (1984), Canet Cave. Esporlas, Mallorca, en Waldren, W. H., Chapman, R. W., Lewthwaite, J. y Kennard, R.-C. (eds), The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and their Peripherial Areas, part i. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 229, Oxford, pp. 61-67.2Show
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Fernández Gómez et al. 19841984Fernández Gómez et al.Fernández Gómez, J. H./Plantalamor, Ll./Topp, C. (1984), Prehistoric activities in the Pitiussae islands, en WALDREN, W. H., CHAPMAN, R. W., LEWTHWAITE, J. y KENNARD, R.-C. (eds), The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and their Peripherial Areas, part iii. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 229, Oxford, pp. 763-784.2Show
Burl 19841984Burl, HAW and BURL, MM and HENSHALL, AS and LUNT, DA and MACLEAN, AC and ROWLEY-CONWY, PA and MANCHESTER, K and ROMANS, JCCBurl, HAW and BURL, MM and HENSHALL, AS and LUNT, DA and MACLEAN, AC and ROWLEY-CONWY, PA and MANCHESTER, K and ROMANS, JCC, Report on the excavation of a Neolithic mound at Boghead, Speymouth Forest, Fochabers, Moray, 1972 and 1974.5Show
Burenhult 19841984Burenhult, G.Burenhult, G, The archaeology of Carrowmore. Environmental archaeology and the megalithic tradition at Carrowmore, Co. Sligo, Ireland, 1984.2Show
Gallay / Baudais 19841984Gallay / BaudaisA. Gallay / D. Baudais, Rances, Champ-Vully Est (Vaud, Suisse). Première céramique, premier métal du Néolithique á l'Age du Bronze dans le domaine circum-alpin. Catalogue d'exposition, musée de Lons-le-Saunier, oct. 1985-mars 1986 (1984) 99-108.3Show
Britnell et al. 19841984Britnell, WJ and Savory, Hubert Newman and Association, Cambrian Archaeological and othersBritnell, WJ and Savory, Hubert Newman and Association, Cambrian Archaeological and others, Gwernvale and Penywyrlod: two Neolithic long cairns in the Black Mountains of Brecknock (1984).4Show
Jeppesen 19841984JeppesenJens Jeppesen, A Late Neolithic / Early Bronze Age Settlement at Vejlby, East Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 3, 1984, 99-103.1Show
Miles 19841984Miles, H.H. Miles (ed.), Archaeology at Barton Court Farm, Abingdon,Oxon, CBA Res Rep, 50, Oxford Archaeol Unit Rep, 3, 1984.1Show
Briard 19841984BriardBRIARD 1984:J. Briard, Les tumulus d'Armorique. L' âge du bronze en France 3 (Paris 1984).1Show
Protsch & Weninger 19841984Protsch, Reiner & Bernhard WeningerProtsch, Reiner & Bernhard Weninger: Frankfurt Radiocarbon dates I. Radiocarbon 26, No. 2, (1984) 185-1952Show
Longworth 19841984I. H. LongworthI. H. Longworth, Collared urns of the Bronze Age in Great Britain and Ireland, Cambridge.1Show
Rae et al. 19841984Rae et al.Rae et al., Rae, A. M./Ivanovich, M./Sweeting, M. M. (1984), Natural Uranium in the Cave of Son Muleta, Mallorca. A Background Study for Uranium Series Dating of Bones, en WALDREN, W. H., CHAPMAN, R. W., LEWTHWAITE, J. y KENNARD, R.-C. (eds), The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and their Peripherial Areas, part iii. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 229, Oxford, pp. 295-311.11Show
Larsson 19841984LarssonLarsson 1984: L. Larsson, The Skateholm Project. A Late Mesolithic settlement and cemetery complex at a southern Swedish bay. Archaeological Institute, University of Lund (1983)3Show
Nielsen P.O. 19841984Nielsen Poul O.Nielsen Poul O., „Flint axes and megaliths“- the time and context of the early dolmens in Denmark. In: Burenhult, Göran (Hrsg.), The Archaeology of Carrowmore. Theses and Papers in North European Archaeology 14. Stockholm, 376-87.1Show
Bill / Keller / Erne / Bonani / Wölfli 19841984J. Bill / W. A. Keller / R. Erne / G. Bonani / W. WölfliJ. Bill / W. A. Keller / R. Erne / G. Bonani / W. Wölfli, 14C dating of small archaeological samples. Neolithic to Iron Age in the Central Alpine Region. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B5 5, 2, 1984, 317-320.0Show
Wyszomirska 19841984WyszomirskaWyszomirska, B., 1984. Figurplastik och gravskick hos Nord- och Nordösteuropas neolitiska fångstkulturer [Figurative sculptures and burial customs among the Neolithic hunter-gatherer cultures of Northern and Northeastern Europe]. (Acta Archaeologica Lundensia series in 4° 18.) Lund: Institue of Archaeology and the Historical Museum.2Show
Radiocarbon 19841984RadiocarbonRadiocarbon 1984: M. Stuiver, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 26 (New Haven / 1984)1Show
Vital / Voruz 19841984Vital, Joël and Voruz, Jean-LouisVital, Joël and Voruz, Jean-Louis, L'habitat protohistorique de Bavois-en-Raillon <Vaud>. Cahiers d'archéologie romande de la Bibliothèque historique vaudoise ; 28 (Lausanne1984).1Show
Savory 19841984Savory, HNSavory, HN, The Penywyrlod long cairn, Talgarth, Brecknock. WJ Britnell \& HN Savory, Gwernvale and Penywyrlod: two Neolithic long cairns in the Black Mountains of Brecknock Cardiff: Cambrian Archaeological Association Monograph 2, 1984, 13--39.1Show