
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
621-640 / 2034 show all
AUD 19871987n / aArkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 1987.50Show
Bagolini et al. 19871987B. A. Bagolini / G. W. W. A. Barker / L. A. Castelletti / M. CremasciB. A. Bagolini / G. W. W. A. Barker / L. A. Castelletti / M. Cremasci, Scavi nell'insediamento neolitico di Campo Ceresole (Vhò di Piadena Cremona) : 1974-1979, vol. 2. In: Parenti (ed.), Atti della XXVI Riunione Scientifica, Il Neolitico in Italia, Firenze 7-10 Novembre 1985, 2 volumes, Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria (Firenze 1987) 455-466.1Show
Breunig 19871987Breunig, PeterBreunig, Peter, 14C-Chronologie des vorderasiatischen, südost- und mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums. Fundamenta Reihe A Band 13 (Köln u.a.1987).1320Show
Hedges et al. 19871987Hedges, R. E. M. and Housley, R. A. and Law, I. A. and Perry, C. and Gowlett, J. a. J.Hedges, R. E. M. and Housley, R. A. and Law, I. A. and Perry, C. and Gowlett, J. a. J., Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford Ams System: Archaeometry Datelist 6. Archaeometry 29 / 2, 1987, 289--306.58Show
brev fr Alan Kilpatrick 18 / 10 19871987brev fr Alan Kilpatrick 18 / 10brev fr Alan Kilpatrick 18 / 10 19875Show
Ward 19871987A. WardA. Ward, A. Ward, Cefn Bryn, Gower, Archaeology in wales 27, 1987, 39-40.4Show
Walter et al. 19871987Walter, Diethard / Bücke, Silvia / Schulze, JoachimWalter, Diethard / Bücke, Silvia / Schulze, Joachim, Beiträge zur Archäologie der Erfurter Mulde I. Alt-Thüringen 22 / 23, 1987, 63-164.4Show
Waldren 19871987WaldrenWaldren, W. H. (1987), A Balearic Beaker Model. Ferrandell-Oleza, Valldemosa, Mallorca, en Waldren, W. H. y Kennard, R.-C. (eds.), Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 331 (i), pp. 207-266.4Show
Tauber 19871987TauberTauber 19877Show
Tarrús 19871987Tarrús, J.Tarrús, J., El Megalitisme de l'Alt Empordà (Girona): els constructors de dòlmens entre el neolític mitjà i el calcolític a l'Albera, Serra de Roda i Cap de Creus. In: Cota zero: revista d'arqueologia i ciència / 3, 1987. 36-54.1Show
Fansa19871987M. FansaM. Fansa, Das Großsteingrab von Steden, Gem. Holsten, Ldkr. Osterholz-Scharmbeck. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Nordwestdeutschland 10, 1987, 7-16.1Show
Radiocarbon 291987Cecilio Gonzales-Gomez et al.Cecilio Gonzales-Gomez et al., C. Gonzalez-Gomez et al., University of Granada Radiocarbon Dates IV, Radiocarbon 29, 1987, 381-388.4Show
Suter 19871987Suter, Peter J.Suter, Peter J., Zürich Kleiner Hafner" : Tauchgrabungen 1981 - 1984. Berichte der Zürcher Denkmalpflege : Monographien 3 (Zürich1987).19Show
Robertson-Mackay et al. 19871987OBERTSON-MACKAY, R and BUTCHER, S and CAMERON, F and CHANDRA, H and CONWAY, B and DAWES, J and DIMES, F and GRIGSON, C and HEALEY, E and HELBAEK, H and othersOBERTSON-MACKAY, R and BUTCHER, S and CAMERON, F and CHANDRA, H and CONWAY, B and DAWES, J and DIMES, F and GRIGSON, C and HEALEY, E and HELBAEK, H and others, The Neolithic causewayed enclosure at Staines, Surrey: excavations 1961-63.3Show
Gowlett et al. 19871987J. A. J. Gowlett, R. E. M. Hedges, I. A. Law and C. PerryJ. A. J. Gowlett, R. E. M. Hedges, I. A. Law and C. Perry, Radiocarbon Dates From The Oxford AMS System: Archaeometry Datelist 5, Archaeometry 29, 1, 1987.40Show
Ethelberg 19871987EthelbergPer Ethelberg, Early Bronze Age Houses at Højgård, South Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 5, 1987, 152-167.12Show
Ramseyer 19871987Ramseyer, DenisRamseyer, Denis, Delley / Portalban II. Contribution à l'étude du Néolithique en Suisse occidentale 1 (Fribourg1987).10Show
Pellicer 19871987Manuel PellicerPellicer, M. 1987. El neolitico de la Cueva de Nerja (Malaga). In Guilaine, J., Courtin, J., Roudil, J., & Vernet, J. (Eds.), Premières communautés paysannes en Méditerranée occidentale : Actes du Colloque International du CNRS (Montpellier, 26-29 avril 1983). CNRS Éditions. doi :10.4000 / books.editionscnrs.11719Show
Gowlett et al.1987Gowlett, J. A. J,J. A. J. Gowlett, R. E. M. Hedges, I. A. Law and C. Perry: Radiocarbon Dates From The Oxford AMS System: Archaeometry Datelist 5, Archaeometry 29, 1, 198771Show
Engström 19871987EngströmEngström 19871Show