
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
681-700 / 2034 show all
Durmann / Obeli? 19891989A. Durmann / B. Obeli?A. Durmann / B. Obeli?, Radiocarbon dating of the Vu?edol culture complex. Radiocarbon 31 (1989)1003-1009.13Show
Becher et al. 19891989B. Becher / R. Krause / B. KromerB. Becher / R. Krause / B. Kromer, Zur absoluten Chronologie der frühen Bronzezeit. Germania67 / 2 (1989) 421–442.3Show
Smith 19891989Smith, GHSmith, GH, Evaluation work at the Druid Stoke megalithic monument, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, 1983. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 107, 1989, 27--37.1Show
Levitan / Smart 19891989Levitan, BM and Smart, PLLevitan, BM and Smart, PL, Charterhouse Warren Farm Swallet, Mendip, Somerset. Radiocarbon dating evidence. Proceedings (Spelaeological Society) 18, 1989, 390--394.1Show
Pons 19891989Pons, E. Pons, E. , Cau d’en Calvet (Torroella de Montgrí). Un cau d’ús sepulcral col.lectiu (Neolític Final-Calcolític. Papers del Montgrí 9, 1989. 15-29.2Show
Petrasch / Kromer19891989J. Petrasch, B. KromerJ. Petrasch, B. Kromer, Aussagemöglichkeiten von 14C-Daten zur Verfüllungsgeschichte prähistorischer Gräben am Beispiel der mitttelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlage von Künzing-Unternberg, Ldkr. Deggendorf15Show
Kalb 19891989Philine KalbPhiline Kalb, P. Kalb, Überlegungen zu Neolithisierung und Megalithik, MM 30, 1989, 31 -54.29Show
AUD 19891989n / aArkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 1989.40Show
Österholm 19891989I. ÖsterholmI. Österholm, Bosättningsmönstret på Gotland under stenåldern : en analys av fysisk miljö, ekonomi och social struktur. Theses and papers in archaeology 3 (Stockholm1989).12Show
Hedges et al. 19891989Hedges, REM and Housley, RA and Law, IA and Bronk, CRHedges, REM and Housley, RA and Law, IA and Bronk, CR, Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 9. Archaeometry 31 / 2, 1989, 207--234.27Show
Brindley / Lanting 19901989Brindley, AL and Lanting, JNBrindley, AL and Lanting, JN, Radiocarbon dates for Neolithic single burials. The Journal of Irish Archaeology, 1989, 1--7.11Show
Brindley et al. 19891989Brindley, AL and Lanting, JN and Mook, WGBrindley, AL and Lanting, JN and Mook, WG, Radiocarbon dates from Irish fulachta fiadh and other burnt mounds. The Journal of Irish Archaeology, 1989, 25--33.1Show
Ford / Pine 19891989Ford, S and Pine, JFord, S and Pine, J, Neolithic ring ditches and Roman landscape features at Horton (1989 to 1996). Prehistoric, Roman and Saxon Sites in Eastern Berkshire: Excavations 97, 1989, 13--86.6Show
Soler 19891989Soler, V.Soler, V., El Pla de la Llaüna. Pinell-Solsonès. Informe-memòria de l’excavació d’urgència. Juliol 1989, Servei d’Arqueologia de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Inèdit.0Show
Patokova et al. 19891989E. Patokova and V. Petrenko and N. Burdo and L. PolishchukPatokova et al., Monuments of the Tripolye Culture in the North-Western Black Sea Area (Kiev 1989).3Show
Smith et al. 19891989Smith, AG and Whittle, A and Cloutman, EW and Morgan, LASmith, AG and Whittle, A and Cloutman, EW and Morgan, LA, Mesolithic and Neolithic activity and environmental impact on the south-east fen-edge in Cambridgeshire.13Show
Liversage 19891989Liversage, DavidLiversage, David, Radiometrisk datering og beaker bosættelse i en nordvestjysk biotop. Report Series 36, 1989, 219-225.21Show
Linke 19891989Linke, Friedrich-A.Linke, Friedrich-A., Ein neues neolithisches Erdwerk im Landkreis Hildesheim. Berichte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen 9 / 3 / 89, 1989, 157-159.0Show
Blomqvist 19891989L. BlomqvistL. Blomqvist, Megalitgravarna i Sverige : typ, tid, rum och social miljö (Stockholm1989).4Show
Björhem / Säfvestad 19891989Björhem / SäfvestadBjörhem / Säfvestad, N. Björnhem / U. Säfvestad, Fosie IV. Byggnadstradition och bosättningsmönster under senneolitikum. Malmöfynd 5 (Malmö 1989).7Show