
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1421-1440 / 2034 show all
Parker Pearson 20032003Parker PearsonPARKER PEARSON, M. 2003. Cladh Hallan, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2003: 166. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Moore 20032003MooreMOORE, H. 2003. Cruester, Bressay, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2003: 165. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Parry 20032003ParryPARRY, J. 2003. Ross Bay Area A, Muter Hill., in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2003: 156. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Mercadal 20032003Mercadal, O.Mercadal, O., La Costa de can Martorell (Dosrius, El Maresme). Mort i violència en una comunitat del litoral català durant el tercer mil.leni aC. Laietania 14, 2003, Mataró. (esp. 221-228).4Show
Videyko / Petrenko 20032003M. Petrenko and M. VideykoM. Petrenko and M. Videyko, M. Petrenko / M. Videyko, Radiocarbon chronology of complexes of the northern Pontic region, a preliminary report, Baltic-Pontic Studies 12, 2003, 113-120.5Show
Maya et al. 20032003Maya, J.L. / López, F.J. / González, J.R. / Junyent, E. / Rodríguez, J.I. Maya, J.L. / López, F.J. / González, J.R. / Junyent, E. / Rodríguez, J.I. , Excavaciones (1981-1983) en el poblado de Carretelà (Aitona, Segrià, Lleida). Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 11-12, 2003. 153-254 (especialment 165-166).4Show
Eliasson / Kishonti20032003L. Eliasson, I. KishontiL. Eliasson, I. Kishonti, Öresundsförbindelsen : Lockarp 7B. In: , Öresundsförbindelsen / rapport över arkeologisk slutundersökning. Rapport / Malmö Kulturmiljö 17 (Malmö2003).1Show
May / Hauptmann 20032003May / HauptmannMay / Hauptmann, Jens May / Thomas Hauptmann, Des Königs Umfeld. Archäologie in Deutschland 2, 2003, 40-41.1Show
Mattheußer 20032003MattheußerElke Mattheußer, Nachbarn oder Nachfolger. Zur räumlichen Verteilung der Befunde. Der Nordwestbereich. Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt Sonderband 1, 2003, 63-64.0Show
Alcover 20032003AlcoverAlcover, J. A. (2003), Les rates pinyades (Mammalia: Chiroptera) fossils del jaciment paléontologie del Pouàs (St. Antoni de Portmany, Eivissa), Endins, 25, pp. 141-154.5Show
Burenhult 20032003Burenhult, G.Burenhult, G, The chronology of Carrowmore. Stones and Bones: Formal Disposal of the Dead in Atlantic Europe during the Mesolithic Neolithic Interface 6000, 2003, 66--9.7Show
Nordqvist 20032003NordqvistNordqvist 20035Show
Shmagliy / Videyko 20032003N. Shmagliy and M. VideykoN. Shmagliy and M. Videyko, Maidanetske - proto-city of the Tripolye culture, Stratum PLus 2, 2003, 44 - 136.2Show
Czielsa & Pettitt 20032003Czielsa, Erwin & Pettitt, Paul B.Czielsa, Erwin & Pettitt, Paul B., AMS-14C-Datierungen von spätpaläolithischen und mesolithischen Funden aus dem Bützsee (Brandenburg). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 33 / 1, 2003, 21-38.2Show
Peterson 20032003Peterson, RickPeterson, Rick, Neolithic pottery from Wales: traditions of construction and use (2003).2Show
Telegin et al. 20032003Telegin et al.Telegin et al. 2003: DY Telegin, M Lillie, ID Potekhina, MM Kovaliukh, Settlement and economy in Neolithic Ukraine: a new chronology. Antiquity 77 (2003)56Show
Barclay et al. 20032003Barclay, Alistair and Allen, Leigh and Moore, JohnBarclay, Alistair and Allen, Leigh and Moore, John, Lines in the landscape: cursus monuments in the Upper Thames Valley: excavations at the Drayton and Lechlade Cursuses 15 (2003).5Show
Petrenko / Kovalyukh 20032003M. Petrenko and N. KovalyukhM. Petrenko and N. Kovalyukh, New data on the radiocarbon chronology of the Aeneolithic Age in the north-western Black Sea Region, In: A. Korvin-Piotrovskiy (ed.), Materials from the international conference Tripolye giant-settlements" (Kiev 2003) 102 - 110.6Show
Woithe 20032003WoitheFranka Woithe, Geschichte eines Kerbtales an der Hornoer Hochfläche. In: Ausgrabungen im Niederlausitzer Braunkohlerevier 2001. Arbeitsberichte Bodendenkmalpflege Brandenburg (Calau 2003) 95-99.5Show
Pine / Ford 20032003Pine, Jo and Ford, StevePine, Jo and Ford, Steve, Excavation of Neolithic, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Early Saxon features at St Helen’s Avenue, Benson, Oxfordshire. Oxoniensia 68, 2003, 131--75.2Show