
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1441-1460 / 2034 show all
Ahlström 20032003Ahlström, T.Ahlström, T., Mesolithic human skeletal remains from Tågerup, Scania, Sweden. In: Larsson, L. et. al.(ed.), Mesolithic on the Move; Papers presented at the sixth International conference on Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm.29Show
Jones 20032003JonesJones, R.E. 2003. Crossiecrown, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2003: 162. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Cole / Jones 20032003Cole, R and Jones, AMCole, R and Jones, AM, 2003: Journeys to the Rock; Archaeological Investigations at Tregarrick Farm, Roche, Cornwall. Cornish Archaeology, 41--42.10Show
Videyko 20032003M. VideykoM. Videyko, Interrelations of Tripolian communities in the Dnieper region with forest-steppe cultures of Dnieper-Dniester region, In: V. Shevchuk (ed.), Scientific Proceedings on Ukrainian History 14, 32-42.8Show
Manen et al. 20032003Manen, Claire and Sabatier, Philippe and othersManen, Claire and Sabatier, Philippe and others, Chronique radiocarbone de la néolithisation en Méditerranée occidentale. , Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique française 100 / 3, 2003, 479--504.9Show
Van Strydonck / Boudln 20032003Van Strydonck / BoudlnVan Strydonck, M./Boudin, M. (2003), Les análisis isotöpiques i la datació dels ossos del sepulcre megalític d"Alcaidús, en PLANTALAMOR, Ll. Y MARQUÉS, J., El sepulcre d"Alcaidús. El megalitisme de Menorca en el context de la Mediterrània occidental. Treballs del Museu de Menorca, 26, Maó, pp. 325-327.6Show
Jadin 20032003Jadin, IvanJadin, Ivan, Trois petits tours et puis s’ en vont. La fin de la presence danubienne en Moyenne Belgique (avec la participation de D. Cahen, I. Deramaix, A. Hauzeur, J. Heim, A. Livingstone Smith, J. Verniers). Universite de Liege, Liege, 2003.77Show
Budziszewski / Haduch / Wlodarcak 20032003Budziszewski / Haduch / WlodarcakJ. Budziszewski / E. Haduch / P. Wlodarcak, Bell Beaker in South-Eastern Poland. In: Czebreszuk / Szmyt, The northeast frontier of bell beakers : proceedings of the symposium held atthe Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna? (Poland), May 26-29-2002, 2003, 155-181.10Show
Fischer 20032003FischerFischer 20035Show
Hafner / Suter 20032003A. Hafner / P. J. SuterA. Hafner / P. J. Suter, Das Neolithikum in der Schweiz (2003).16Show
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Edo et al. 20042004Edo, M. / Villalba, Mª. J. / Blasco, A.Edo, M. / Villalba, Mª. J. / Blasco, A., Coveta del Marge del Moro (Begues, Baix Llobregat). In: Actes de les Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia. (La Garriga, 29 i 30 de novembre i 1 de desembre de 2001) (Barcelona 2004). 91-114.2Show
Drasovean / Schier 20042004Drasovean, Florin and Schier, WolframDrasovean, Florin and Schier, Wolfram, Vorbericht über die rumänisch-deutschen Prospektionen und Ausgrabungen in der befestigten Tellsiedlung von Uivar, jüd. Timis, Rumänien (1998 - 2002). Prähistorische Zeitschrift 79, 2004, 145-230.12Show
Alonso et al. 20042004Alonso, N. / Ferrio, J. P. / Florit, A. / López, J. B. / Piqué, R. / Voltas, J.Alonso, N. / Ferrio, J. P. / Florit, A. / López, J. B. / Piqué, R. / Voltas, J., Evolució climàtica de la plana occidental catalana durant els darrers 4.000 anys: primers resultats de la discriminació isotòpica del carboni ((?13C). Revista d'arqueologia de Ponent / 14, 2004, 9--29.6Show
Boric / Miracle 20042004D. Boric / P. MiracleD. Boric / P. Miracle, Mesolithic and Neolithic (Dis)Continuities in the Danube Gorges: New AMS Dates from Padina and Hajducka Vodenica (Serbia). Oxford journal of archaeology 23 / 4, 2004, 341-372.26Show
Brett et al. 20042004BrettBRETT, M., COLLARD, M./E. MCSLOY. 2004. Excavation of 10th- and 5th-century BC settlement at Hartshill Copse, Upper Bucklebury, Berkshire, 2003. Cheltenham: Cotswold Archaeological Report 04049.0Show
Miret / Boquer 20042004Miret, J. / Boquer, S.Miret, J. / Boquer, S., Bobila Roca (Sant Pere de Ribes, Garraf): Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontología 2001, La Garriga, vol. 1, 348-358.4Show
Müller 20042004MüllerJohannes Müller, Typologieunabhängige Datierung und die Rekonstruktion prähistorischer Gesellschaften. Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt 2, 2004, 21-29.2Show
Brickley / Thomas 20042004Brickley, Megan and Thomas, RichardBrickley, Megan and Thomas, Richard, The young woman and her baby or the juvenile and their dog: re-interpreting osteological material from a Neolithic long barrow. Archaeological Journal 161 / 1-10, 2004.1Show
Bogdanovi? 20042004Bogdanovi?Bogdanovi?, M., 2004, Grivac. Naselja protostar?eva?ke i vin?anske culture, Centar zanau?na istraživanja Srpske akademije nauka i umjetnosti, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu,Narodni muzej u Kragujevcu, Kragujevac.1Show