
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1581-1600 / 2034 show all
Larsson 20062006LarssonLarsson 2006: L. Larsson, I. Zagorska, Back to the Origin : New Research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki Cementery and Environment, North Latvia. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia (Lund) 8 Vol. 52, 200610Show
Allen et al. 20062006Allen / Crockett / MacPhail / Stevens / TrevarthenM.J. Allen/ A. D. Crockett / R.I.MacPhail / C.J. Stevens/ M. Trevarthen, The radiocarbon dates from Sandway Road, Lenham, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl.0Show
Garrow et al. 20062006Garrow, D and Lucy, S and Gibson, DGarrow, D and Lucy, S and Gibson, D, Excavations at Kilverstone, Norfolk: An Episodic Landscape History.9Show
O'Shea et al. 20062006J. O'Shea et al.J. O'Shea / A. W. Barker / A. Nicodemus / S. Sherwood / A. Szentmiklosi, Archaeological Investigations at Pecica ?an?ul Mare: The 2006 Campaign. . Analele Banatului XIV, 1, 2006, 211-228.5Show
Persson 20062006PerssonPersson 20062Show
Martínez-Moreno et al. 20062006Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J.Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J., El mesolítico de los Pirineos surorientales. Una reflexión sobre las «facies de fortuna» del postglaciar, in A. Alday (ed), El mesolítico de muescas y denticulados en la cuenca del Ebro y el litoral mediterráneo peninsular, Vitoria-Gasteiz . Veleia 11, 161-188.2Show
Noble 20062006Noble, GordonNoble, Gordon, Neolithic Scotland. Timber, stone, earth and fire, 2006.4Show
Peška 2006 / 20072006/2007Peška 2006 / 2007J. Peška, Neue absolute Datierungen aus dem späten Äneolithikum Mährens. Offa 63 / 64, 2006 / 2007, 2011, 7-44.10Show
Allen et al. 2006a2006aAllen et al.M.J. Allen / K. Brady / C. Hayden, The radiocarbon dates from Eyhorne Street, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006a ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl.1Show
Allen et al. 2006b2006bAllen et al.M.J. Allen / N. Beavan-Athfield / M. Diack / I. Riddler / M. Trevarthen, The radiocarbon dates from Saltwood Tunnel, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006b. ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl.0Show
Allen et al. 2006c2006cAllen et al.M.J. Allen / A. D. Crockett / R.I. Macphail/ C.J. Stevens / M. Trevarthen, The radiocarbon dates from Sandway Road, Lenham, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006c.ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl.1Show
Allen et al. 2006d2006dAllen et al.M.J. Allen / A. Barclay / A. Bayliss / C. Hayden, The radiocarbon dates from White Horse Stone, Aylesford, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series: Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006d. ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service, / catalogue / projArch / ctrl.0Show
Pereira et al. 20072007Pereira, A Ramos and Trindade, J and Borges, B and Angelucci, DE and Soares, AMPereira, A Ramos and Trindade, J and Borges, B and Angelucci, DE and Soares, AM, Dunas carbonatas e depósitos correlativos na Estremadura (Portugal). Variações do nivel do mar e neotectónica. Publicações da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfológos, V, 2007, 165--578.5Show
Mischka 20072007D. Mischka, W. Dörfler, P. Grootes, D. Heinrich, J. Müller, O. NelleD. Mischka, W. Dörfler, P. Grootes, D. Heinrich, J. Müller, O. Nelle, Die neolithische Feuchtbodensiedlung Bad Oldesloe-Wolkenwehe LA 154 : Vorbericht zu den Untersuchungen 2006. Offa 61 / 62, 2007, 25-63.3Show
Burkdukiewicz / Furmanek 20072007Burkdukiewicz / FurmanekJ. M. Burkdukiewicz / M. Furmanek, Wielokulturowe stanowisko Nowa Wie?, powiat Boles?awiec. In: B. GEDIGA (Hrsg.), Archeolgiczne zeszyty autostradowe Instytutu Archeologii in Etnologii PAN zeszyt 6, Badania na autostradzie A4, cz??? 4, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN (Wroc?aw 2007) 47-136.1Show
Walter et al. 20072007Walter et al.Diethard Walter / Oliver Mecking / Markus Wehmer / Sybille Jahn / Sabine Birkenbeil, Siedlung und Gräberfeld der frühen Bronzezeit von Schloßvippach, Lkr. Sömmerda. Archäologische, anthropologische und archäometrische Untersuchungen. Alt-Thüringen 40, 2007, 5-118.5Show
Palaguta 20072007PalagutaPalaguta 2007: I. Palaguta, Tripolye Culture During the Beginning of the Middle Period (BI): The relative chronology and local grouping of sites. British Archeoligical Reports International Series 1666 (2007).1Show
Meadows et al. 20072007Meadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, AlexMeadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, Alex, A short passage of time: the dating of the Hazleton long cairn revisited. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17 / S1, 2007, 45--64.4Show
Martínez-Moreno et al. 20072007Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J.Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J., El contexto cronométrico y tecno-tipológico durante el Tardiglaciar y Postglaciar de la vertiente sur de los Pirineos orientales. In: Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 16-17, 2007. 7- 44.4Show
Thomas 20072007Thomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJThomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJ, Place and memory: excavations at the Pict's Knowe, Holywood and Holm Farm, Dumfries and Galloway, 1994-8 (2007).12Show