Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1581-1600 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Larsson 2006 | 2006 | Larsson | Larsson 2006: L. Larsson, I. Zagorska, Back to the Origin : New Research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki Cementery and Environment, North Latvia. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia (Lund) 8 Vol. 52, 2006 | 10 | Show | |
Allen et al. 2006 | 2006 | Allen / Crockett / MacPhail / Stevens / Trevarthen | M.J. Allen/ A. D. Crockett / R.I.MacPhail / C.J. Stevens/ M. Trevarthen, The radiocarbon dates from Sandway Road, Lenham, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl. | 0 | Show | |
Garrow et al. 2006 | 2006 | Garrow, D and Lucy, S and Gibson, D | Garrow, D and Lucy, S and Gibson, D, Excavations at Kilverstone, Norfolk: An Episodic Landscape History. | 9 | Show | |
O'Shea et al. 2006 | 2006 | J. O'Shea et al. | J. O'Shea / A. W. Barker / A. Nicodemus / S. Sherwood / A. Szentmiklosi, Archaeological Investigations at Pecica ?an?ul Mare: The 2006 Campaign. . Analele Banatului XIV, 1, 2006, 211-228. | 5 | Show | |
Persson 2006 | 2006 | Persson | Persson 2006 | 2 | Show | |
Martínez-Moreno et al. 2006 | 2006 | Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J. | Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J., El mesolítico de los Pirineos surorientales. Una reflexión sobre las «facies de fortuna» del postglaciar, in A. Alday (ed), El mesolítico de muescas y denticulados en la cuenca del Ebro y el litoral mediterráneo peninsular, Vitoria-Gasteiz . Veleia 11, 161-188. | 2 | Show | |
Noble 2006 | 2006 | Noble, Gordon | Noble, Gordon, Neolithic Scotland. Timber, stone, earth and fire, 2006. | 4 | Show | |
Peška 2006 / 2007 | 2006/2007 | Peška 2006 / 2007 | J. Peška, Neue absolute Datierungen aus dem späten Äneolithikum Mährens. Offa 63 / 64, 2006 / 2007, 2011, 7-44. | 10 | Show | |
Allen et al. 2006a | 2006a | Allen et al. | M.J. Allen / K. Brady / C. Hayden, The radiocarbon dates from Eyhorne Street, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006a ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl. | 1 | Show | |
Allen et al. 2006b | 2006b | Allen et al. | M.J. Allen / N. Beavan-Athfield / M. Diack / I. Riddler / M. Trevarthen, The radiocarbon dates from Saltwood Tunnel, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006b. ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl. | 0 | Show | |
Allen et al. 2006c | 2006c | Allen et al. | M.J. Allen / A. D. Crockett / R.I. Macphail/ C.J. Stevens / M. Trevarthen, The radiocarbon dates from Sandway Road, Lenham, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006c.ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service: / catalogue / projArch / ctrl. | 1 | Show | |
Allen et al. 2006d | 2006d | Allen et al. | M.J. Allen / A. Barclay / A. Bayliss / C. Hayden, The radiocarbon dates from White Horse Stone, Aylesford, Kent, CTRL Scheme Wide Specialist Report Series: Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2006d. ADS 2006 CTRL digital archive, Archaeology Data Service, / catalogue / projArch / ctrl. | 0 | Show | |
Pereira et al. 2007 | 2007 | Pereira, A Ramos and Trindade, J and Borges, B and Angelucci, DE and Soares, AM | Pereira, A Ramos and Trindade, J and Borges, B and Angelucci, DE and Soares, AM, Dunas carbonatas e depósitos correlativos na Estremadura (Portugal). Variações do nivel do mar e neotectónica. Publicações da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfológos, V, 2007, 165--578. | 5 | Show | |
Mischka 2007 | 2007 | D. Mischka, W. Dörfler, P. Grootes, D. Heinrich, J. Müller, O. Nelle | D. Mischka, W. Dörfler, P. Grootes, D. Heinrich, J. Müller, O. Nelle, Die neolithische Feuchtbodensiedlung Bad Oldesloe-Wolkenwehe LA 154 : Vorbericht zu den Untersuchungen 2006. Offa 61 / 62, 2007, 25-63. | 3 | Show | |
Burkdukiewicz / Furmanek 2007 | 2007 | Burkdukiewicz / Furmanek | J. M. Burkdukiewicz / M. Furmanek, Wielokulturowe stanowisko Nowa Wie?, powiat Boles?awiec. In: B. GEDIGA (Hrsg.), Archeolgiczne zeszyty autostradowe Instytutu Archeologii in Etnologii PAN zeszyt 6, Badania na autostradzie A4, cz??? 4, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN (Wroc?aw 2007) 47-136. | 1 | Show | |
Walter et al. 2007 | 2007 | Walter et al. | Diethard Walter / Oliver Mecking / Markus Wehmer / Sybille Jahn / Sabine Birkenbeil, Siedlung und Gräberfeld der frühen Bronzezeit von Schloßvippach, Lkr. Sömmerda. Archäologische, anthropologische und archäometrische Untersuchungen. Alt-Thüringen 40, 2007, 5-118. | 5 | Show | |
Palaguta 2007 | 2007 | Palaguta | Palaguta 2007: I. Palaguta, Tripolye Culture During the Beginning of the Middle Period (BI): The relative chronology and local grouping of sites. British Archeoligical Reports International Series 1666 (2007). | 1 | Show | |
Meadows et al. 2007 | 2007 | Meadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, Alex | Meadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, Alex, A short passage of time: the dating of the Hazleton long cairn revisited. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17 / S1, 2007, 45--64. | 4 | Show | |
Martínez-Moreno et al. 2007 | 2007 | Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J. | Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J., El contexto cronométrico y tecno-tipológico durante el Tardiglaciar y Postglaciar de la vertiente sur de los Pirineos orientales. In: Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 16-17, 2007. 7- 44. | 4 | Show | |
Thomas 2007 | 2007 | Thomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJ | Thomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJ, Place and memory: excavations at the Pict's Knowe, Holywood and Holm Farm, Dumfries and Galloway, 1994-8 (2007). | 12 | Show |