Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1641-1660 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Gossip et al. 2007 | 2007 | Gossip, James and Jones, Andy M and Bidwell, Paul T | Gossip, James and Jones, Andy M and Bidwell, Paul T, Archaeological investigations of a later prehistoric and a Romano-British landscape at Tremough, Penryn, Cornwall 443 (2007). | 2 | Show | |
Brock et al. 2007 | 2007 | Brock, Fiona and Ramsey, C Bronk and Higham, Thomas | Brock, Fiona and Ramsey, C Bronk and Higham, Thomas, Quality assurance of ultrafiltered bone dating. Radiocarbon 49 / 2, 2007, 187. | 26 | Show | |
Webley et al. 2007 | 2007 | Webley et al. | Webley, L., Timby, J./Wilson M. 2007. Fairfield Park, Stotfold, Bedfordshire: Later Prehistoric settlement in the Eastern Chilterns (Bedfordshire Archaeology Monograph 7). Oxford / Bedford: Oxford Archaeological Unit / Bedford County Council. | 0 | Show | |
Brown 2007 | 2007 | Brown, Alex | Brown, Alex, Dating the onset of cereal cultivation in Britain and Ireland: the evidence from charred cereal grains. Antiquity 81 / 314, 2007, 1042--1052. | 11 | Show | |
Hallgren / Sundström2007 | 2007 | Hallgren, Sundström | Hallgren, Sundström, | 14 | Show | |
Ignaczak 2008 | 2008 | M. Ignaczak | M. Ignaczak, Wzorce kulturowe lasu / lasostepu strefy pontyjskiej w ni?owych zespo?ach kr?gu ?u?yckiego. In: J. Bednarczyk / J. Czebreszuk / P. Makarowicz / M. Szmyt (Hrsg.), Na pograniczu ?wiatów. Studia z pradziejów mi?dzymorza ba?tycko-pontyjskiego ofiarowane Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Ko?ko w 60. rocznic? urodzin (Pozna? 2008) 141-65. | 9 | Show | |
Allen et al. 2008 | 2008 | Allen, Michael J and Leivers, Matt and Ellis, Chris | Allen, Michael J and Leivers, Matt and Ellis, Chris, Neolithic causewayed enclosures and later prehistoric farming: duality, imposition and the role of predecessors at Kingsborough, Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK. | 15 | Show | |
Senna-Martinez / Ventura 2008 | 2008 | João Carlos de Senna-Martinez, José Manuel Quintã Ventura | J. C. de Senna-Martinez / J. M. Quintã Ventura, Do Mundo das Sombras ao Mundo dos Vivos: Octávio da Veiga Ferreira e o Megalitismo da Beira Alta, Meio Século depois, in: J. L. Cardoso et al., Homenagem a Octávio da Veiga Ferreira, Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras 16 (Oeiras 2008) 317-350. | 10 | Show | |
Nijboer / Pflicht 2008 | 2008 | A. J. Nijboer / H. van der Pflicht | A. J. Nijboer / H. van der Pflicht, The Iraon Age at the Mediterranean: Recent Radiocarbon Research at the University of Groningen. In: D. Brandherm / M. Trachsel, A New Dawn for the Dark Age? Shifting Paradigms in Mediterranean Iron Age Chronology (Oxford 2008) 103-118. | 19 | Show | |
Sheridan et al. 2008 | 2008 | Sheridan, A and Schulting, RJ and Quinnell, H and Taylor, R | Sheridan, A and Schulting, RJ and Quinnell, H and Taylor, R, Revisiting a small passage tomb at Broadsands, Devon. | 12 | Show | |
Demnick 2008 | 2008 | D. Demnick | D. Demnick, Der Großdolmen Lüdelsen 3 in der westlichen Altmark (Sachsen-Anhalt) - Baugeschichte, Rituale und Landschaftsrekonstruktion. Jungsteinsite 2008 | 6 | Show | |
Zarteskaya 2008 | 2008 | Zaretskaya | Zaretskaya, Zaretskaya, N. E., Kostyliova, E. L., 2008, Radiocarbon chronology of the initial period of the Upper Volga Early Neolithic Culture (on the basis of finds from Sakhtysh-2a site), Rossijskaia Arheologija 1, Moskva, 5-14. | 8 | Show | |
Hunt Ortiz et al. 2008 | 2008 | M.A. Hunt Ortiz, J. Vázquez Paz, D. García Rivero | Hunt Ortiz, M. A., Vázquez Paz, J., & García Rivero, D. (2008). Dataciones radiocarbónicas de las necrópolis de la Edad de Bronce, SE-K, SE-B y Jardín de Alá (términos municipales de Salteras y Gerena, Sevilla). | 7 | Show | |
Rapport KLM 2008 | 2008 | Rapport KLM | Rapport KLM 2008 | 1 | Show | |
Kruts 2008 | 2008 | Kruts | Kruts 2008: V. A. Kruts, Giant-settlements of the Tripolian culture. In: Tripolye Culture in Ukraine: The Giant-Settlement of Talianki. Kiev | 3 | Show | |
Gibert / Martín 2008 | 2008 | Gibert, J. / Martín, P. | Gibert, J. / Martín, P., Les fosses altmedievals del jaciment de la Serra (la Vall d'en Bas). In: X Assemblea d'Estudis sobre el comtat de Besalú (2008) (Besalú 2011). 193-211. | 2 | Show | |
Kunst et al. 2008 | 2008 | M. Kunst, N. Lutz | Michael Kunst, Nina Lutz, Zambujal (Torres Vedras, Portugal). Zur Präzision der absoluten Chronologie durch die Untersuchungen an der vierten Befestigungslinie. In: Madrider Mitteilungen 49, 2008, S. 29–63. | 18 | Show | |
Eriksson et al. 2008 | 2008 | Eriksson et al. | G. Eriksson, A. Linderholm, E. Fornander, M. Kanstrup, P. Schoultz, H. Olofsson, K. Lidén, Same island, different diet. Cultural evolution of food practice on Öland, Sweden, from the Mesolithic to the Roman Period, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27, 2008, 520-543. | 82 | Show | |
Barceló 2008 | 2008 | Barceló, J.A. | Barceló, J.A., La incertesa de les cronologies absolutes en arqueologia. Probabilitat i estadística, Cypsela 17, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Girona, p. 23-33. | 0 | Show | |
Barceló 2009 | 2008 | Barceló, J.A. | Barceló, J.A., La seqüència crono-cultural de la prehistòria catalana. Anàlisi estadística de les datacions radiomètriques de l’inici de l’Holocé a l’edat del ferro, Cypsela 17, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Girona, p. 65-88. | 0 | Show |