Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1981-2000 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Petré 1961 | 1961 | Petré | R. Petré, Ein bronzezeitlicher Grabhügel bei Nymölla, Ksp. Ivetofta, Schonen. Meddelanden fran Lunds universitets historiska museum 1961, 33 – 79. | 3 | Show | |
Marseen 1960 | 1960 | Marseen, Oskar | Marseen, Oskar, Ferslev-huset. Et kultbygning fra jættestuetid. Kuml, 36-55. | 1 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1960 | 1960 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1960: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon Supplement. Radiocarbon, Volume 2 (New Haven / 1960) | 21 | Show | |
Barker / Mackey 1960 | 1960 | Barker / Mackey | BARKER, H./C.J. MACKEY. 1960. British Museum Natural Radiocarbon Measurements II. American Journal of Science Radiocarbon Supplement 2: 26-30. | 0 | Show | |
Tauber 1960 | 1960 | Tauber | Tauber 1960, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 2007 | 3 | Show | |
Rc 1960 | 1960 | n / a | Rc 1960 | 1 | Show | |
Grimes 1960 | 1960 | Grimes, William Francis | Grimes, William Francis, Excavations on defence sites, 1939-1945 / 3 (1960). | 9 | Show | |
Waterbolk1960 | 1960 | H. T. Walterbolk | H. T. Walterbolk, Preliminary report on the excavations at Anlo in 1957 and 1958. Palaeohistoria 8 (Groningen1961). | 2 | Show | |
Money 1960 | 1960 | Money, JH | Money, JH, Excavations at High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells, 1954-1956.'. Sussex Archaeological Collections 98, 1960, 173--222. | 2 | Show | |
Barker and Mackey 1959 | 1959 | Barker, H. and Mackey C.J. | Barker, H. and Mackey C.J., British Museum natural radiocarbon measurements I, Radiocarbon 1, 1959, 81-86. | 1 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1959 | 1959 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1959: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon Supplement. Radiocarbon, Volume 1 (New Haven / 1959) | 18 | Show | |
Tauber 1959 | 1959 | Tauber, Henrik | Tauber, Henrik, Danske Kulstoff-14 Dateringer af Arkæologiske Prøver I. Aarbøger, 243-259. | 10 | Show | |
Oeschger et al. 1959 | 1959 | Oeschger, Hans / Schwarz, U. / Gfeller, Chr. | Oeschger, Hans / Schwarz, U. / Gfeller, Chr., Bern radiocarbon dates, I. Radiocarbon 1 / 1, 1959, 133-143. | 11 | Show | |
Schwabedissen / Münnich 1958 | 1958 | Schwabedissen / Münnich | Schwabedissen / Münnich 1958, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 2007 | 2 | Show | |
Vries / Waterbolk 1958 | 1958 | Vries, Hessel de / Waterbolk, H. T. | Vries, Hessel de / Waterbolk, H. T., Groningen radiocarbon dates III. Science 128, 1550-1556. | 1 | Show | |
Petre & Strömberg 1958 | 1958 | Petre & Strömberg | Petre & Strömberg 1958 | 2 | Show | |
Radford 1958 | 1958 | Radford, CA Ralegh | Radford, CA Ralegh, The chambered tomb at Broadsands, Paignton (1958). | 3 | Show | |
Savory 1956 | 1956 | Savory, Hubert Newman | Savory, Hubert Newman, The excavation of the Pipton long cairn, Brecknockshire (1956). | 1 | Show | |
Case 1956 | 1956 | Case, Humphrey | Case, Humphrey, The Neolithic causewayed camp at Abingdon, Berks.. The Antiquaries Journal 36 / 1-2, 1956, 11--30. | 8 | Show | |
Kjærum 1955 | 1955 | Kjærum, Povl | Kjærum, Povl, Tempelhus fra Stenalderen. Kuml, 7-35. | 2 | Show |