
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
2001-2020 / 2034 show all
Bagge 19551955BaggeBagge 1955: Excerpta Historica Nordica. Historisk Tidsskrift (Copenhagen) Vol. IV.5Show
Schwabedissen 19551955SchwabedissenSchwabedissen 1955, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20072Show
Ebert 19551955Ebert, HeinzEbert, Heinz, Neue Grabfunde auf dem Großen Berg" bei Aspenstedt, Kr. Halberstadt. Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte 39, 1955, 70-80.0Show
Hayen 19541954HayenHayen 1954, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20071Show
Childe / Smith 19541954Childe, VG and Smith, IFChilde, VG and Smith, IF, Excavation of a Neolithic Barrow on Whiteleaf Hill, Bucks.3Show
Troels-Smith 19531953Troels-Smith, JoelTroels-Smith, Joel, Ertebøllekultur-Bondekultur. Resultater af de 10 aars undersøgelser i Aamosen. Aarbøger, 5-62.7Show
Schwabedissen 19531953SchwabedissenSchwabedissen 1953, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20072Show
Helbaek 19521952H. HelbækH. Helbæk, Preserved apples and panicum in the prehistoric site at Nørre Sandegaard in Bornholm. Acta archaeologica 23, 1952, 107-115.1Show
Gejvall et al. 19521952N-G. Gejvall, C.H. Hjortsjö, K-E. SahlströmN-G. Gejvall, C.H. Hjortsjö, K-E. Sahlström, Stenålderskvinnan ifrån Luttra isvensk antropologisk belysning. Stenberger, M. (ed): rkeologiska forskningar och fynd: studier utgivna med anledning av H. M. Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs sjuttioårsdag 11.11.1952 (Stockholm 1952). 410-426.1Show
Hartnett 19511951Hartnett, PJHartnett, PJ, A Neolithic Burial from Martinstown, Kiltale, Co Meath. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1951, 19--23.1Show
Bagge & Kaelas 19501950A. Bagge, L. KaelasA. Bagge, L. Kaelas, Die Funde aus Dolmen und Ganggräbern in Schonen, Schweden. 1: das Härad Villand. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien (Stockholm1950).2Show
Maluquer 19491949Maluquer, J.Maluquer, J., La cueva de Toralla. Monografías del Instituto de Estudios Pirenaicos ; Nr. general 13 : Arqueología : 2 (Zaragoza1949).0Show
Coleman 19471947Coleman, John ChristopherColeman, John Christopher, Irish Cave Excavation. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1947, 63--80.2Show
Maluquer 19441944Maluquer, J.Maluquer, J., La estratigrafia arqueológica de la cueva de Toralla, Ampurias VI, Barcelona, 39-58.0Show
Gwynn et al. 19421942Gwynn, AM and Mitchell, George F and Stelfox, AWGwynn, AM and Mitchell, George F and Stelfox, AW, The exploration of some caves near Castletownroche, Co. Cork (1942).1Show
Grimes 19391939Grimes, WFGrimes, WF, The Excavation of Ty-isaf Long Cairn Brecknockshire.. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (New Series) 5 / 01, 1939, 119--142.7Show
Clifford 19371937Clifford, Elsie MargaretClifford, Elsie Margaret, Notgrove long barrow, Gloucestershire (1937).6Show
Jansson 19361936JanssonJansson 1936: S. Jansson,8Show
Clark 19361936Clark, GrahameClark, Grahame, The timber monument at Arminghall and its affinities.1Show
Grive 19361936Grive, M.Grive, M., L’Esquerda de les Roques de El Pany (Penedès), Barcelona. Anuari de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans VIII, 19-33.0Show