
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
321-340 / 2034 show all
Mataloto/ Boaventura20092009R. Mataloto/ R. BoaventuraR. Mataloto/ R. Boaventura, Entre vivos e mortos nos IV e III milénios a.n.e. do Sul de Portugal: um balanço relativo do povoamento com base em datações pelo radiocarbono. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 12,2, 2009, 31-77.4Show
McClatchie 20092009McClatchieMCCLATCHIE, M. 2009. Arable agriculture and social organisation: a study of crops and farming systems in Bronze Age Ireland. Unpublished Doctoral thesis. University College London, University College London.0Show
Bori?/Dimitrijevi? 20092009Bori?/Dimitrijevi?Bori?, D., Dimitrijevi?, V., 2009, Absolute chronology and stratigraphy of Lepenski Vir,Starinar LVII, Beogad, 9-55.2Show
Lazarich et al. 20092009Lazarich González, M.; Valetín Fernández de la Gala, J.; Jenkins, V.; Peralta, P.; Briceño, E.; Ramos, A.; Richarte, M.J.; Carreras, A.M.; Núñez, M.; Versaci, M.; Stratton, S.; Sánchez, M. y Grillé, J.MLazarich González, M.; Valetín Fernández de la Gala, J.; Jenkins, V.; Peralta, P.; Briceño, E.; Ramos, A.; Richarte, M.J.; Carreras, A.M.; Núñez, M.; Versaci, M.; Stratton, S.; Sánchez, M. y Grillé, J.M. (2009): “Paraje de Monte Bajo (Alcalá de los Gazules). Una nueva necrópolis de cuevas artificiales en el Sur de la provincia de Cádiz”. Almoraima 39: 67-832Show
Lübke et al. 20092009Harald Lübke, Friedrich Lüth, Thomas TerbergerHarald Lübke, Friedrich Lüth, Thomas Terberger, Fishers or farmers? The archaeology of the Osdorf cemetery and related Neolithic finds in the light of new data. Bericht RGK 88, 2007, 307-338.53Show
Boric 20092009D. BoricD. Boric, Absolute Dating of Metallurgical Innovations in the Vinca Culture in the Balkan. In: T.L. Kienlin/ B.W. Roberts, Metals and Societies: Studies in honour of Barbara S. Ottaway. UPA 169 (Bonn u.a. 2009). 191–245.107Show
Dolukhanov 20092009DolukhanovDolukhanov, P., Mazurkevich, A. M., Shukurov, A., 2009, Early Pottery Makers in EasternEurope: Centres of Origins, Subsistence and Dispersal, in: Ceramics before farming.The dispersal of pottery among prehistoric Eurasian hunter-gatherers, eds. P. Jordan,M. Zvelebil, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 237-2531Show
Sosna 20092009SosnaDaniel Sosna, Social differentiation in the Late Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age in South Moravia (Czech Republic). BAR International series 1994 (Oxford [u.a.] 2009).16Show
Boaventura 20092009R. BoaventuraBoaventura, R. (2009): As antas e o Megalitismo da região de Lisboa. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Lisboa.1Show
Gralak 20092009GralakT. Gralak, ?lady pobytu ludno?ci kultury unietyckiej na stanowiskach Piskorzówek 11 i 14, w gm. Domaniów, w powiecie o?awskim. In: B. GEDIGA (Hrsg.), Archeologiczne Zeszyty Autostradowe, z. 9, Badania na autostradzie A4, cz. VII (Wroc?aw 2009) 7-20.1Show
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Zaitseva et al. 20092009ZaitsevaZaitseva, G., Skripkin, V., Kovaliukh, N., Possnert, G., Dolukhanov, P. Vybornov, A.,2009, Radiocarbon Dating of Neolithic Pottery, Radiocarbon 51(2), Tucson, 795-801.11Show
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Wangen 20092009WangenVivian Wangen, Gravfeltet på Gunnarstorp i Sarpsborg, Østfold - et monument over dødsriter og kultutøvelse i yngre bronsealder og eldste jernalder (Oslo 2009).19Show
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Jansen / Tinapp 20082008Jansen / TinappLutz Jansen / Christian Tinapp, Das Torfmoor am Petershainer Fließ. Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im Tagebau Welzow. In: Ausgrabungen im Niederlausitzer Braunkohlerevier. Arbeitsberichte zur Bodendenkmalpflege in Brandenburg 20 (Wünsdorf 2008) 21-28.2Show