Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
401-420 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Thomas 2007 | 2007 | Thomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJ | Thomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJ, Place and memory: excavations at the Pict's Knowe, Holywood and Holm Farm, Dumfries and Galloway, 1994-8 (2007). | 12 | Show | |
Carlús et al. 2007 | 2007 | Carlús, X. López Cachero, F.J. / Oliva, M. / Palomo, A. / Rodriguez, A. / Terrats, N. / Lara, C. I Villena, N. | Carlús, X. López Cachero, F.J. / Oliva, M. / Palomo, A. / Rodriguez, A. / Terrats, N. / Lara, C. I Villena, N. , Cabanes, sitges i tombes. El paratge de Can Roqueta (Sabadell, Vallès Occidental) del 1300 al 500 AC. Quaderns d’Arqueologia 4, Museu d’Història de Sabadell (especialment 191-195). | 22 | Show | |
Francès et al. 2007 | 2007 | Francès, J. / i Llorens, M. / Majó, T. / Sala, O. | Francès, J. / i Llorens, M. / Majó, T. / Sala, O., L'hipogeu calcolític del carrer París de Cendanyola del Vallès. Tribuna d'arqueologia 2006, 2007, 315--333. | 4 | Show | |
Schmidt 2007 | 2007 | Schmidt | C. Schmidt, Das Gräberfeld der Aunjetitzer Kultur von Wanzleben, Lkr. Börde. Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte 91, 2007, 103-200 | 19 | Show | |
Bergerbrant 2007 | 2007 | Bergerbrant | Sophie Bergerbrant, Bronze Age Identities: Costume, Conflict and Contact in Northern Europe 16000-1300 BC. Stockholm Studies in Archaeology 43 (Lindome 2007). | 1 | Show | |
Meadows et al. 2007 | 2007 | Meadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, Alex | Meadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, Alex, A short passage of time: the dating of the Hazleton long cairn revisited. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17 / S1, 2007, 45--64. | 4 | Show | |
Sabatini 2007 | 2007 | Sabatini | Serena Sabatini, House urns. A European Late Bronze Age trans-cultural phenomenon. GOTARC Serie B, Gothenburg archaeological theses 47 (Göteborg 2007). | 1 | Show | |
Gralak 2007 | 2007 | Gralak | T. Gralak, Osadnictwo ludno?ci kultury unietyckiej na stan. Wojkowice 15, gm. ?órawina, pow. Wroc?aw. In: BOGUS?AW GEDIGA (Hrsg.), Archeologiczne Zeszyty Autostradowe 5. Badania na autostradzie A4 III (Wroc?aw 2007) 131-304. | 13 | Show | |
Crombe/Vanmontfort 2007 | 2007 | Crombe, Philippe and Vanmontfort, Bart | Crombe, Philippe and Vanmontfort, Bart, The neolithisation of the Scheldt basin in western Belgium. | 1 | Show | |
Malmö Kulturmiljö rapport 2007 | 2007 | Malmö Kulturmiljö rapport | Malmö Kulturmiljö rapport 2007 | 1 | Show | |
Bapty 2007 | 2007 | I. Bapty | I. Bapty, Lower lugg archaeology and aggregates resource assessment, Herefordshire Archaeology Report 226 (Hereford 2007). | 5 | Show | |
De Mulder et al. 2007 | 2007 | De Mulder et al. | G. De Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / M. Boudin / W. Leclercq / N. Paridaens / E. Warmenbol, Re-evaluation of the late bronze age and early Iron Age chronology of the western Belgian urnfields based on 14c dating of cremated bones. Radiocarbon 49, 2, 2007, 499–514 | 55 | Show | |
Burkdukiewicz / Furmanek 2007 | 2007 | Burkdukiewicz / Furmanek | J. M. Burkdukiewicz / M. Furmanek, Wielokulturowe stanowisko Nowa Wie?, powiat Boles?awiec. In: B. GEDIGA (Hrsg.), Archeolgiczne zeszyty autostradowe Instytutu Archeologii in Etnologii PAN zeszyt 6, Badania na autostradzie A4, cz??? 4, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN (Wroc?aw 2007) 47-136. | 1 | Show | |
López Cachero 2007 | 2007 | López Cachero, F.J. | López Cachero, F.J., Sociedad y economías durante el Bronce final y la Primera Edad del Hierro en el noreste peninsular: una aproximación a partir de las evidencias arqueológicas, Trabajos de Prehistoria 64-1, 99-120. | 0 | Show | |
Martínez-Moreno et al. 2007 | 2007 | Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J. | Martínez-Moreno, J. / Mora, R. / Casanova, J., El contexto cronométrico y tecno-tipológico durante el Tardiglaciar y Postglaciar de la vertiente sur de los Pirineos orientales. In: Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 16-17, 2007. 7- 44. | 4 | Show | |
Pereira et al. 2007 | 2007 | Pereira, A Ramos and Trindade, J and Borges, B and Angelucci, DE and Soares, AM | Pereira, A Ramos and Trindade, J and Borges, B and Angelucci, DE and Soares, AM, Dunas carbonatas e depósitos correlativos na Estremadura (Portugal). Variações do nivel do mar e neotectónica. Publicações da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfológos, V, 2007, 165--578. | 5 | Show | |
Hänsel et al. 2007 | 2007 | Hänsel et al. | Bernhard Hänsel / K. Mihovili?/B. Teržan, Radiokarbondaten zur älteren und mittleren Bronzezeit Istriens. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 82, 2007, 23-50. | 21 | Show | |
Hallgren / Sundström2007 | 2007 | Hallgren, Sundström | Hallgren, Sundström, | 14 | Show | |
Brown 2007 | 2007 | Brown, Alex | Brown, Alex, Dating the onset of cereal cultivation in Britain and Ireland: the evidence from charred cereal grains. Antiquity 81 / 314, 2007, 1042--1052. | 11 | Show | |
Sjögren 2007 | 2007 | Sjögren | Sjögren 2007: T. Ahlström, K.G. Sjögren, Kvinnan från Österöd: – ett tidigmesolitiskt skelett från Bohuslän. In Situ Archaeologica, 7 (2007) | 1 | Show |