
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
421-440 / 2034 show all
Brock et al. 20072007Brock, Fiona and Ramsey, C Bronk and Higham, ThomasBrock, Fiona and Ramsey, C Bronk and Higham, Thomas, Quality assurance of ultrafiltered bone dating. Radiocarbon 49 / 2, 2007, 187.26Show
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Sabatini 20072007SabatiniSerena Sabatini, House urns. A European Late Bronze Age trans-cultural phenomenon. GOTARC Serie B, Gothenburg archaeological theses 47 (Göteborg 2007).1Show
Francès et al. 20072007Francès, J. / i Llorens, M. / Majó, T. / Sala, O.Francès, J. / i Llorens, M. / Majó, T. / Sala, O., L'hipogeu calcolític del carrer París de Cendanyola del Vallès. Tribuna d'arqueologia 2006, 2007, 315--333.4Show
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Armentano et al. 20072007Armentano, N. / Fernández, J. G. / Comín, X. J. / Morera, A. M. / Rafel, N. / López, J. B.Armentano, N. / Fernández, J. G. / Comín, X. J. / Morera, A. M. / Rafel, N. / López, J. B., La cova sepulcral de Montanissell, Sallent-Coll de Nargò, alt Urgell: pràctiques funeràries singulars durant l'edat del bronze al Prepirineu. Tribuna d'arqueologia / 2006, 2007, 141--167.18Show
Meadows et al. 20072007Meadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, AlexMeadows, John and Barclay, Alistair and Bayliss, Alex, A short passage of time: the dating of the Hazleton long cairn revisited. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17 / S1, 2007, 45--64.4Show
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Thomas 20072007Thomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJThomas, Julian and Leivers, Matt and Roberts, Julia and Peterson, Rick and Ashmore, PJ, Place and memory: excavations at the Pict's Knowe, Holywood and Holm Farm, Dumfries and Galloway, 1994-8 (2007).12Show
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