Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
601-620 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Telegin et al. 2003 | 2003 | Telegin et al. | Telegin et al. 2003: DY Telegin, M Lillie, ID Potekhina, MM Kovaliukh, Settlement and economy in Neolithic Ukraine: a new chronology. Antiquity 77 (2003) | 56 | Show | |
Rundqvist 2003 | 2003 | Rundqvist | Rundqvist 2003 | 19 | Show | |
Peterson 2003 | 2003 | Peterson, Rick | Peterson, Rick, Neolithic pottery from Wales: traditions of construction and use (2003). | 2 | Show | |
Barclay et al. 2003 | 2003 | Barclay, Alistair and Allen, Leigh and Moore, John | Barclay, Alistair and Allen, Leigh and Moore, John, Lines in the landscape: cursus monuments in the Upper Thames Valley: excavations at the Drayton and Lechlade Cursuses 15 (2003). | 5 | Show | |
Gonçalves 2003 | 2003 | V. S. Gonçalves | Gonçalves, V. S. (2003). A Anta 2 da Herdade dos Cebolinhos (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Évora): sinopse das intervenções de 1996-97 e duas datas de radiocarbono para a última utilização da Câmara ortostática. | 2 | Show | |
Alcover 2003 | 2003 | Alcover | Alcover, J. A. (2003), Les rates pinyades (Mammalia: Chiroptera) fossils del jaciment paléontologie del Pouàs (St. Antoni de Portmany, Eivissa), Endins, 25, pp. 141-154. | 5 | Show | |
Burenhult 2003 | 2003 | Burenhult, G. | Burenhult, G, The chronology of Carrowmore. Stones and Bones: Formal Disposal of the Dead in Atlantic Europe during the Mesolithic Neolithic Interface 6000, 2003, 66--9. | 7 | Show | |
Quintana et al. 2003 | 2003 | Quintana et al. | Quintana, J./Bover, P./Ramis, D./Alcover, J. A. (2003), Cronología de la desaparició de Myotragus balearicus Bate 1909 a Menorca, Endins, 25, pp. 155- 158. | 2 | Show | |
Baker et al. 2003 | 2003 | L. Baker and A. Sheridan and T. Cowie | L. Baker and A. Sheridan and T. Cowie , An Early Bronze Age'dagger grave'from Rameldry Farm, near Kingskettle, Fife. | 1 | Show | |
Burdo 2003 | 2003 | N. Burdo | N. Burdo, New data for the absolute dating of the Neolithic and early Aeneolithic age on Ukraine's territory, Stratum Plus 2, 2003 (431- 446). | 22 | Show | |
Budziszewski / Haduch / Wlodarcak 2003 | 2003 | Budziszewski / Haduch / Wlodarcak | J. Budziszewski / E. Haduch / P. Wlodarcak, Bell Beaker in South-Eastern Poland. In: Czebreszuk / Szmyt, The northeast frontier of bell beakers : proceedings of the symposium held atthe Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna? (Poland), May 26-29-2002, 2003, 155-181. | 10 | Show | |
Furholt 2003 | 2003 | M. Furholt | M. Furholt, Die absolutchronologische Datierung der Schnurkeramik in Mitteleuropa und Südskandinavien (Bonn 2003) | 968 | Show | |
López 2003 | 2003 | López, J.B. | López, J.B., L’evolució del poblament protohistòric a la plana occidental catalana. Models d’ocupació del territori i urbanismo. Monographies d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne (Lleida 2003). | 6 | Show | |
Parker Pearson 2003 | 2003 | Parker Pearson | PARKER PEARSON, M. 2003. Cladh Hallan, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2003: 166. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology. | 0 | Show | |
Ahlström 2003 | 2003 | Ahlström, T. | Ahlström, T., Mesolithic human skeletal remains from Tågerup, Scania, Sweden. In: Larsson, L. et. al.(ed.), Mesolithic on the Move; Papers presented at the sixth International conference on Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm. | 29 | Show | |
Mercadal 2003 | 2003 | Mercadal, O. | Mercadal, O., La Costa de can Martorell (Dosrius, El Maresme). Mort i violència en una comunitat del litoral català durant el tercer mil.leni aC. Laietania 14, 2003, Mataró. (esp. 221-228). | 4 | Show | |
Yáñez et al. 2003 | 2003 | Yáñez, C. / Burjachs, F. / Juan-Tresserras, J. / Mestres, J.S. | Yáñez, C. / Burjachs, F. / Juan-Tresserras, J. / Mestres, J.S. , La fossa de Prats (Andorra), un jaciment del bronze mitjà al Pirineu. In: Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent, 11-12, 2003. p. 123-150. | 4 | Show | |
Woithe 2003 | 2003 | Woithe | Franka Woithe, Geschichte eines Kerbtales an der Hornoer Hochfläche. In: Ausgrabungen im Niederlausitzer Braunkohlerevier 2001. Arbeitsberichte Bodendenkmalpflege Brandenburg (Calau 2003) 95-99. | 5 | Show | |
Arthursson 2003 | 2003 | Arthursson | Arthursson 2003 | 14 | Show | |
Mestres 2003 | 2003 | Mestres, J.S. | Mestres, J.S., La datació per radiocarboni de l’hipogeu de Can Martorell, in: MERCADAL, O., La Costa de can Martorell (Dosrius, El Maresme). Mort i violència en una comunitat del litoral català durant el tercer mil.leni aC, Laietania 14, Mataró. (esp. 221-228). | 0 | Show |