
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
721-740 / 2034 show all
Van Strydonck et al. 20012001Van Strydonck et al.Van Strydonck, M./Landrie, M./Hendrix, V./Maes, A./Van Der Berg, K, De Jong, A. F. M./Alderliesten, C./Keppens, E. (2001), Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. Radiocarbon dates XVII. Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Bruselas.46Show
Van Der Borg 20012001Van Der BorgVan Der Borg, K. (2001), Apèndix III. Datacions de C14, en Calvo, M., Guerrero, V. M. y SalvÀ, B., La Cova des Moro (Manacor, Mallorca). Campanyes d"excavacions arqueolôgiques 1995-1998. Comecció de Quaderns de Patrimoni Cultural 4, Conseil Insular de Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca, p. 65.2Show
Kalicz-Schreiber / Kalicz 20012001Kalicz-Schreiber / KaliczR. Kalicz-Schreiber / N. Kalicz, Were the Bell Beakers as Social Indicators of the Early Bronze Age in Budapest? In: F. Nicolis (Hrsg.), Bell beakers today. Pottery, people, culture, symbols in prehistoric Europe. Proceedings of the International colloquium, Riva del Garda (Trento,Italy), 11-16 May 1998 (2001), 439-458.8Show
Nadal et al. 20012001Nadal, J. / Cebrià, A. / Mestres, J. (E.P.), Cova Del Toixó (Torrelles De Foix, Alt Penedès): Jornades D’ArqueologiaNadal, J. / Cebrià, A. / Mestres, J. (E.P.), Cova Del Toixó (Torrelles De Foix, Alt Penedès): Jornades D’Arqueologia, Intervencions arqueològiques i paleontològiques a les comarques de Barcelona (1996-2001), Preactes, 234-235.0Show
Guerrero 20012001GuerreroGuerrero, V. M. (2001), The Balearic Islands: Prehistoric Colonization of the Furthest Mediterranean Islands from the Mainland, en Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 14 (2), pp. 136-158.6Show
Gibson 20012001Gibson, AlexGibson, Alex, Neolithic Pottery from Ogmore, Glamorgan. Archaeologia Cambrensis 147, 2001, 56.2Show
Garašanin 20012001GarašaninGarašanin, M., Radovanovi?, I., 2001, A pot in house 54 at Lepenski Vir I, Antiquity 75 (287), London, 118-125.1Show
Pryor et al. 20012001Pryor, Francis and Barrett, John C and Heritage, EnglishPryor, Francis and Barrett, John C and Heritage, English, The Flag Fen Basin: archaeology and environment of a Fenland landscape (2001).2Show
Müller / van Willingen 20012001Müller / van WillingenJ. Müller / S. van Willingen, New radiocarbon evidence for european Bell Beakers and the consequences for the diffusion of the Bell Beaker Phenomenon. In: Nicolis 2001 a, 59-80.39Show
Fullola 2001a2001Fullola, J.M.Fullola, J.M., Recherches sur le Paléolithique supérieur dans le Nord-Est ibérique: la Catalogne (1996-2000). In: Noiret, P. (ed.), Le Paléolithique supérieur européen. Bilan quinquennal 1996-2001. ERAUL 97 (Liège 2001). p. 141-148.3Show
Fullola 20012001Fullola, J.M.Fullola, J.M., Els darrers caçadors-recol·lectors, in La Noguera antiga des dels primers pobladors fins als visigots. Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya. Museu de la Noguera. Ajuntament de Balaguer, p. 30-45.2Show
Fornés / Salva 20012001Fornés / SalvaFornés, J./Salvà, B. (2001), La cultura naviforme de Mallorca y su contexto cronocultural en el Mediterráneo, II Congreso Español de Oriente Próximo y Occidente (Cádiz, 2001).0Show
Müller 20012001Müller, JohannesMüller, Johannes, Soziochronologische Studien zum Jung- und Spätneolithikum im Mittelelbe-Saale-Gebiet (4100-2700 v. Chr.) : eine sozialhistorische Interpretation prähistorischer Quellen. Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen 21 (Rahden / Westf2001).42Show
Telegin et. al. 20012001D. Telegin and A. L. Nechitailo and I. D. Potekhina and Yu. V. PanchenkoTelegin et. al., Sredniy Stog and Novodanilovka Eneolithic Cultures of the Azov - Black Sea Region (Lugansk 2001).2Show
Font 20012001Font, J.Font, J., Memòria de l’excavació arqueològica en el jaciment de Camp del Rector (Jorba, Anoia). Servei d’Arqueologia. p. 123, 16 fig, annex d’inventari, planimetria i fotos. (Inèdita).1Show
Ferrari et al 20012001A. Ferrari / A. Pessina / S. SteffèA. Ferrari / A. Pessina / S. Steffè, The Early Neolithic of Central Eastern Emilia and of Romagna. Preistoria Alpina, 34, 1998, 253-262.2Show
Burenhult 20012001Burenhult, G.Burenhult, Goran, The Illustrated Guide to the Megalithic Cemetery of Carrowmore Co. Sligo (2001).20Show
Page 20012001N. PageN. Page, N. Page, A477 Sageston-Redberth bypass (SN 082 038), Archaeology in Wales 41, 2001, 124.4Show
Plantalamor / Marques 20012001Plantalamor / MarquesPlantalamor, Li./Marqués, J. (2001), ) (2001), Biniai Nou. El megalitisme mediterrani a Menorca. Govern de les liles Balears / Museu de Menorca- Treballs del Museu de Menorca 24, Maó.1Show
Waldren 20012001WaldrenWaldren, W. H. (2001), A new megalithic dolmen from the Balearic Island of Mallorca: its radiocarbon dating and artefacts, Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 20 (3), pp. 241-262.9Show