
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
901-920 / 2034 show all
Claßen 19981998Claßen, ErichClaßen, Erich, Der linearbandkeramische Siedlungsplatz Frimmersdorf 122, Erftkreis. (unpubl. Magisterarbeit Köln 1998)3Show
Koch Nielsen 19981998E. KochE. Koch, Neolithic bog pots from Zealand, Møn, Lolland and Falster. Nordiske Fortidsminder : Serie B 16 (København1998).11Show
AUD 19981998n / aArkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 1998.59Show
Hernández Gasch 19981998Hernández GaschHernández Gasch, J. (1998), Son Real. Necrópolis talayótica de la edad del hierro. Estudio arqueológico y análisis social. Arqueomediterránea, 3 (II), Universität de Barcelona, Barcelona.1Show
Radiocarbon 19981998RadiocarbonRadiocarbon 1979: A. Long, Radiocarbon. An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research. Proceedings of the 16th International Radiocarbon Conference, 1997 (Tucson / 1998)4Show
Sousa 19981998A. C. SousaA. C. Sousa, O Neolítico Final e o Calcolítico na área da Ribeira de Cheleiros. In: Trabalhos de Arqueologia, 11 (Lisboa 1998)4Show
Hedges et al. 19981998Hedges, REM and Pettitt, PB and Ramsey, C Bronk and Van Klinken, GJHedges, REM and Pettitt, PB and Ramsey, C Bronk and Van Klinken, GJ, Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 26. Archaeometry 40 / 2, 1998, 437--455.68Show
Hernek 19981998HernekHernek 19985Show
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Stuiver et al. 19981998Stuiver, M. / Reimer, P.J. / Bard, E. / Beck, J.W. / Burr, G.S. / Hughen, K.A. / Kromer, B. / Mccormac, F.G. / V.D. Plicht I Spurk, M.Stuiver, M. / Reimer, P.J. / Bard, E. / Beck, J.W. / Burr, G.S. / Hughen, K.A. / Kromer, B. / Mccormac, F.G. / V.D. Plicht I Spurk, M., INTCAL98 Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 24,000-0 cal BP. Radiocarbon 40 / 3, 1998, 1041-1084.0Show
Waldren 19981998WaldrenWaldren, W. H. (1998), The Beaker Culture of the Balearic Islands. An inventory of evidence from caves, rock shelters, settlements and ritual sites. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 709-Western Mediterranean Series, 1. Oxford.5Show
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Terberger / Piek19981998T. Terberger, J. PiekT. Terberger, J. Piek, Zur absoluten Chronologie der Steinzeit in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 45, 1998, 7-39.3Show
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Barclay et al. 19981998Barclay, Alistair and Halpin, Claire and Unit, Oxford ArchaeologicalBarclay, Alistair and Halpin, Claire and Unit, Oxford Archaeological, Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire: Volume 11: the Neolitic and Bronze Age Monument Complex (1998).15Show
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Burenhult 19981998Burenhult, G.Burenhult, G, The Swedish Archaeological Excavations at Carrowmore, Co. Sligo, Ireland: Excavation report 1998, 1998.11Show
Burdo / Kovalyukh 19981998N. Burdo and M. KovalyukhN. Burdo / M. Kovalyukh, New information on the absolute dating of Tripolye A, In: D. Kozak / N. Gavrilyuk (ed.), Archaeological discoveries in Ukraine in 1997-1998 (Kiev 1998).15Show
Maya et al. 19981998Maya, J.-L. / Cuesta, F. / López, F.J. (Eds.)Maya, J.-L. / Cuesta, F. / López, F.J. (Eds.), Genó: Un poblado del Bronce Final en el Bajo Segre (Lleida) (Barcelona 1998).6Show
Palomo et al. 19981998Palomo, A. / Bosch, A. / Buch, M. / Buxó, R. / Casadevall, J. / Mateu, J. Palomo, A. / Bosch, A. / Buch, M. / Buxó, R. / Casadevall, J. / Mateu, J. , La Cova de la Pólvora. Intervenció arqueològica (Albanyà, Alt Empordà). In: Quartes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les comarques de Girona. Figueres (Alt Empordà), de novembre de 1998. p. 41-47.2Show