Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
901-920 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Claßen 1998 | 1998 | Claßen, Erich | Claßen, Erich, Der linearbandkeramische Siedlungsplatz Frimmersdorf 122, Erftkreis. (unpubl. Magisterarbeit Köln 1998) | 3 | Show | |
Koch Nielsen 1998 | 1998 | E. Koch | E. Koch, Neolithic bog pots from Zealand, Møn, Lolland and Falster. Nordiske Fortidsminder : Serie B 16 (København1998). | 11 | Show | |
AUD 1998 | 1998 | n / a | Arkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 1998. | 59 | Show | |
Hernández Gasch 1998 | 1998 | Hernández Gasch | Hernández Gasch, J. (1998), Son Real. Necrópolis talayótica de la edad del hierro. Estudio arqueológico y análisis social. Arqueomediterránea, 3 (II), Universität de Barcelona, Barcelona. | 1 | Show | |
Radiocarbon 1998 | 1998 | Radiocarbon | Radiocarbon 1979: A. Long, Radiocarbon. An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research. Proceedings of the 16th International Radiocarbon Conference, 1997 (Tucson / 1998) | 4 | Show | |
Sousa 1998 | 1998 | A. C. Sousa | A. C. Sousa, O Neolítico Final e o Calcolítico na área da Ribeira de Cheleiros. In: Trabalhos de Arqueologia, 11 (Lisboa 1998) | 4 | Show | |
Hedges et al. 1998 | 1998 | Hedges, REM and Pettitt, PB and Ramsey, C Bronk and Van Klinken, GJ | Hedges, REM and Pettitt, PB and Ramsey, C Bronk and Van Klinken, GJ, Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 26. Archaeometry 40 / 2, 1998, 437--455. | 68 | Show | |
Hernek 1998 | 1998 | Hernek | Hernek 1998 | 5 | Show | |
UV väst Rapport 1998 | 1998 | UV väst Rapport | UV väst Rapport 1998 | 1 | Show | |
Stuiver et al. 1998 | 1998 | Stuiver, M. / Reimer, P.J. / Bard, E. / Beck, J.W. / Burr, G.S. / Hughen, K.A. / Kromer, B. / Mccormac, F.G. / V.D. Plicht I Spurk, M. | Stuiver, M. / Reimer, P.J. / Bard, E. / Beck, J.W. / Burr, G.S. / Hughen, K.A. / Kromer, B. / Mccormac, F.G. / V.D. Plicht I Spurk, M., INTCAL98 Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 24,000-0 cal BP. Radiocarbon 40 / 3, 1998, 1041-1084. | 0 | Show | |
Waldren 1998 | 1998 | Waldren | Waldren, W. H. (1998), The Beaker Culture of the Balearic Islands. An inventory of evidence from caves, rock shelters, settlements and ritual sites. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 709-Western Mediterranean Series, 1. Oxford. | 5 | Show | |
Barclay / Maxwell 1998 | 1998 | Barclay, Gordon and Maxwell, Gordon S | Barclay, Gordon and Maxwell, Gordon S, The Cleaven Dyke and Littleour: Monuments in the Neolithic of Tayside. | 4 | Show | |
Terberger / Piek1998 | 1998 | T. Terberger, J. Piek | T. Terberger, J. Piek, Zur absoluten Chronologie der Steinzeit in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 45, 1998, 7-39. | 3 | Show | |
Grossman 1998 | 1998 | Grossman | Anna Grossman, Kto u?ytkowa? wczesnobr?zowy Biskupin, czyli stanowisko 2a w Biskupinie w ?wietle najnowszych bada?. In: ALEKSANDRA KO?KO / JANUSZ CZEBRESZUK (Hrsg.), Trzciniec. System kulturowy czy interkulturowy porces? (Pozna? 1998) 179-192. | 14 | Show | |
Barclay et al. 1998 | 1998 | Barclay, Alistair and Halpin, Claire and Unit, Oxford Archaeological | Barclay, Alistair and Halpin, Claire and Unit, Oxford Archaeological, Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire: Volume 11: the Neolitic and Bronze Age Monument Complex (1998). | 15 | Show | |
Petit 1998 | 1998 | Petit, M.A. | Petit, M.A., Posar a l’hora el rellotge de la prehistòria: calibració de les datacions radiocarbòniques de la prehistòria moianesa, Modilianum 19, Moià, 3-20. | 4 | Show | |
Burenhult 1998 | 1998 | Burenhult, G. | Burenhult, G, The Swedish Archaeological Excavations at Carrowmore, Co. Sligo, Ireland: Excavation report 1998, 1998. | 11 | Show | |
Burdo / Kovalyukh 1998 | 1998 | N. Burdo and M. Kovalyukh | N. Burdo / M. Kovalyukh, New information on the absolute dating of Tripolye A, In: D. Kozak / N. Gavrilyuk (ed.), Archaeological discoveries in Ukraine in 1997-1998 (Kiev 1998). | 15 | Show | |
Maya et al. 1998 | 1998 | Maya, J.-L. / Cuesta, F. / López, F.J. (Eds.) | Maya, J.-L. / Cuesta, F. / López, F.J. (Eds.), Genó: Un poblado del Bronce Final en el Bajo Segre (Lleida) (Barcelona 1998). | 6 | Show | |
Palomo et al. 1998 | 1998 | Palomo, A. / Bosch, A. / Buch, M. / Buxó, R. / Casadevall, J. / Mateu, J. | Palomo, A. / Bosch, A. / Buch, M. / Buxó, R. / Casadevall, J. / Mateu, J. , La Cova de la Pólvora. Intervenció arqueològica (Albanyà, Alt Empordà). In: Quartes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les comarques de Girona. Figueres (Alt Empordà), de novembre de 1998. p. 41-47. | 2 | Show |