Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
961-980 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Chapman 1997 | 1997 | Chapman, Andy | Chapman, Andy, The excavation of Neolithic and Medieval mounds at Tansor Crossroads, Northamptonshire, 1995. Northamptonshire Archaeol 27, 1997, 3--50. | 2 | Show | |
Cebrià / Bartrolí 1997 | 1997 | Cebrià, A. / Bartrolí, R. | Cebrià, A. / Bartrolí, R., La Cova de la Guineu . Ocupacions i usos d’una cavitat de la Serra de Font-rubí (Alt Penedès) del tardiglacial fins a l’era moderna. Memòria de les campanyes realitzades en els anys 1997-1998 i 1999. Servei d’Arqueologia de la Generalitat de Catalunya. | 1 | Show | |
Hedges et al. 1997 | 1997 | Hedges, R. E. M., Pettitt, P. B., Bronk Ramsey, C. & Klinken, G. J. van | Hedges, R. E. M., Pettitt, P. B., Bronk Ramsey, C. & Klinken, G. J. van, Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 24. Archaeometry 39 / 2, 1997. | 69 | Show | |
AUD 1997 | 1997 | n / a | Arkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 1997. | 19 | Show | |
Hallgren / Possnert 1997 | 1997 | Hallgren, F. / Possnert, G. | Hallgren, F. / Possnert, G., Pottery design and time: the pottery from the TRB site Skogsmossen, in view of the AMS-datings of organic remains on potsherds. Tor 29, 1997, 113--136. | 19 | Show | |
Lindqvist 1997 | 1997 | Lindqvist | Lindqvist 1997 | 11 | Show | |
Newman 1997 | 1997 | Newman, Conor | Newman, Conor, Tara: an archaeological survey. | 1 | Show | |
Mercer 1997 | 1997 | Mercer, Roger | Mercer, Roger, The excavation of a Neolithic enclosure complex at Helman Tor, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. Cornish Archaeology 36, 1997, 5--63. | 14 | Show | |
Calvo et al. 1997 | 1997 | Calvo et al. | Calvo, M./Coll Conesa, J./Guerrero, V. Ma (1997), El dolmen de S"Aigua Dolça, Revista de Arqueología, 191, pp. 18-29. | 3 | Show | |
RIDEOUT et al. 1997 | 1997 | RIDEOUT, James S and CLARKE, A and COWIE, T and CRESSEY, M and HALL, D and HOLDEN, T and JORDAN, D and RIDEOUT, JS and TAVENER, PN | RIDEOUT, James S and CLARKE, A and COWIE, T and CRESSEY, M and HALL, D and HOLDEN, T and JORDAN, D and RIDEOUT, JS and TAVENER, PN, Excavation of Neolithic enclosures at Cowie Road, Bannockburn, Stirling, 1984-5. | 3 | Show | |
González-Gómez / Villafranca-Sánchez 1997 | 1997 | González-Gómez, C. / Villafranca-Sánchez, E. | González-Gómez, C. / Villafranca-Sánchez, E., University of Granada Radiocarbon Dates VII. In: Radiocarbon 39 / 1, 1997. 73-77. | 1 | Show | |
Maggi 1997 | 1997 | R. Maggi | R. Maggi, Arene Candide: A Functional and Evironmental Assessment of the Holocene Sequence (excavations Bernabo' Brea-Cardini 1940-50). Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana (Roma 1997). | 1 | Show | |
Gnepf et al. 1997 | 1997 | Gnepf, Ursula / Hämmerle, Sandy / Hochuli, Stefan / Schibler, Jörg | Gnepf, Ursula / Hämmerle, Sandy / Hochuli, Stefan / Schibler, Jörg, Eine Fundlücke füllt sich: Spuren einer glockenbeckerzeitlichen Besiedlung in Cham ZG-Oberwil, Hof. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 80, 1997, 95-110. | 3 | Show | |
Gibson / Kinnes 1997 | 1997 | Gibson, Alex and Kinnes, Ian | Gibson, Alex and Kinnes, Ian, On the urns of a dilemma: radiocarbon and the Peterborough problem. Oxford journal of archaeology 16 / 1, 1997, 65--72. | 4 | Show | |
Othenin-Girard 1997 | 1997 | Othenin-Girard, Blaise | Othenin-Girard, Blaise, Le campaniforme d'Alle, Noir Bois (Jura, Suisse). Cahier d'archéologie jurassienne ; 7 (Porrentruy1997). | 2 | Show | |
Plantalamor / Van Strydonck 1997 | 1997 | Plantalamor / Van Strydonck | Plant Alamor, Li./Van Strydonck, M. (1997), La cronología de la Prehistoria de Menorca (Noves datacions de 14C). Treballs del Museu de Menorca, 20, Maó. | 31 | Show | |
K?osi?ska 1997 | 1997 | K?osi?ska | El?bieta K?osi?ska, Starszy okres epoki br?zu w Dorzeczu Warty (Wroc?aw 1997). | 3 | Show | |
Mithen 1997 | 1997 | Mithen | MITHEN, S. 1997. Staosnaig, Scalasaig, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1997: 112. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology. | 0 | Show | |
Pluciennik 1997 | 1997 | M. Pluciennik | M. Pluciennik, Radiocarbon determinations and the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in Southern Italy. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 10 / 2, 115-150. | 18 | Show | |
Alcalde et al. 1997 | 1997 | Alcalde, G. / Molist, M. / Saña, M. I Toledo, A. | Alcalde, G. / Molist, M. / Saña, M. I Toledo, A., Procès d’ocupació de la Bauma del Serrat del Pont (La Garrotxa), entre el 2900 i el 1450 cal AC. Olot, Publicacions eventuals d’arqueologia de la Garrotxa 2, Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa, 125 p. | 8 | Show |