
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1381-1400 / 2034 show all
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Wyszomirska 19881988B. WyszomirskaB. Wyszomirska, Ekonomisk stabilitet vid kusten : Nymölla III. en tidigneolitisk bosättning med fångstekonomi i nordöstra Skåne. Acta archaeologica Lundensia : Series in 8o / 17 (Lund1988).8Show
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Cahen et al. 19871987D. Cahen, J-P. Caspar, F. Gosselin, A. HauzeurD. Cahen, J-P. Caspar, F. Gosselin, A. Hauzeur, Le village rubané fortifié de Darion (Province de Liège). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 17, 1987, 59-69.3Show
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brev fr Alan Kilpatrick 18 / 10 19871987brev fr Alan Kilpatrick 18 / 10brev fr Alan Kilpatrick 18 / 10 19875Show