
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1561-1580 / 2034 show all
Evin et al. 19831983Evin, Jacques / Marechal, Joelle / Marien, GerardEvin, Jacques / Marechal, Joelle / Marien, Gerard, Lyon natural radiocarbon measurements. In: Radiocarbon IX.Vol 25. 1. P 59-1281Show
Madsen / Petersen 19831983Madsen, Torsten / Petersen, Jens E. 1982Madsen, Torsten / Petersen, Jens E. 1982, Tidligneolitiske anlæg ved Mosegården. Kuml, 61-120.2Show
Gasco 19831983J. GascoJ. Gasco, Combustion d´orge et structure de conservation de l´Age de Bronze à la grotte des gazals (Aude). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française , Année 1983 , Volume 80 , Numéro 4, pp. 111-118.1Show
Simonsen 19831983Simonsen, J.J. Simonsen, A Late Neolithic House Site at Tastum, Northwestern Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 2, 1983, 81-89.2Show
Boas 19831983BoasBoas, N. A. Boas, Egehøj. A Settlement from the Early Bronze Age in East Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 2, 1983, 91-101.5Show
Lepiksaar 19831983J. LepiksaarJ. Lepiksaar, Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Bog Site at Ageröd V inCentral Scania. Ageröd V- An Atlantic Bog Site in Central Scania. Acta ArchaeologicaLundensia 12 (Lund 1983).1Show
Andersen 19831983AndersenAndersen 1983, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20071Show
Neal 19831983D. S. NealD. S. Neal, D. S. Neal, Excavations on a settlement at Little Bay, Isles of Scilly, Cornish Archaeol, 22, 47 - 80.2Show
Brindley et al. 19831983Brindley, Anna L and Lanting, JN and Mook, WGBrindley, Anna L and Lanting, JN and Mook, WG, Radiocarbon dates from the Neolithic burials at Ballintruer More, Co. Wicklow and Ardcrony, Co. Tipperary. The Journal of Irish Archaeology, 1983, 1--9.2Show
Freden 19831983FredenFreden 19831Show
Castells et al. 19831983Castells, J. / Enrich, J. / Enrich, J.E. Castells, J. / Enrich, J. / Enrich, J.E. , El túmul I de Serra Clarena (Castellfollit del Boix, Bages), Barcelona, Excavacions Arqueològiques a Catalunya 4, Departament de Cultura. 55-88.2Show
Waldren 1982b1982bWaldrenWaldren, W. H. (1982b), Radiocarbon Determination in the Balearic Islands. The Donald Baden-Powell Quaternary Research Centre. Pitt-Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, Oxford.67Show
Waldren 1982a1982aWaldrenWaldren, W. H. (1982a), Balearic Prehistoric Ecology and Culture: The Excavation and Study of Certain Caves, Rock Shelters and Settlements. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 149. Oxford.86Show
Fasham 19821982P.J. FashamP.J. Fasham, The excavation of four ring ditches in central Hampshire, Proc Hampshire Fid Club Archaeol Soc, 38, 19 - 56, 1983 Fieldwork in and around Micheldever Wood, Hampshire, 1973 - 1980, Proc Hampshire Fid Club Archaeol Soc, 39, 5-45.12Show
Rasmussen / Boas 19821982Rasmussen, Lisbeth Wincentz / Boas, Niels AxelRasmussen, Lisbeth Wincentz / Boas, Niels Axel, Kainsbakke og Kirial Bro. To bopladser fra den grubekeramiske kultur ved Grenå. Antikvariske Studier 5, 104-114.3Show
Dent 19821982J. S. DentJ. S. Dent, J. S. Dent, Cemeteries and settlement patterns of the Iron Age onthe Yorkshire Wolds, Proc Prehist Soc, 48, 1982, 437 - 457.3Show
Healy 19821982F. HealyF. Healy, A round barrow at Trowse: Early Bronze Age burials and medieval occupation, E Anglian Archaeol Rep, 14, 1-34.3Show
Radiocarbon 19821982RadiocarbonRadiocarbon 1982: M. Stuiver, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 24 (New Haven / 1982)2Show
Coles et al 19821982J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / R. A. MorganJ. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / R. A. Morgan, The EclipseTrack 1980, Somerset Levels Pap, 8, 26 - 39.3Show
Fansa19821982M. FansaM. Fansa, Die Keramik der Trichterbecherkultur aus den Megalith- und Flachgräbern des oldenburgischen Raumes (Neumünster1982).0Show