
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1601-1620 / 2034 show all
Larsson 19821982L. LarssonL. Larsson, A causewayed enclosure and a site with Valby Pottery at Stävie, Western Scania. MLUHM 82, 1981–82. 65–114.3Show
Marschall 19821982Marschall, OttoMarschall, Otto, Die Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Besiedlung am Südufer des Süßen Sees, Kr. Eisleben. Ausgrabungen und Funde 27, 1982, 155-165.0Show
Edo / Alonso 19821982Edo, M. / Alonso, M.Edo, M. / Alonso, M., Can Sadurní, Begues in Les excavacions arqueològiques a Catalunya, Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura, p. 65-66.0Show
Simonsen 19821982SimonsenJ. Simonsen, A Late Neolithic House at Tastum, Northwestern Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 2, 1982, 81-101.1Show
Baldellou / Mestres 19781982Baldellou, V. / Mestres, J.Baldellou, V. / Mestres, J., La Cova de Molinot, Pontons, in Les excavacions arqueològiques a Catalunya en els darrers anys. Barcelona, Excavacions arqueològiques a Catalunya, 1. Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 121-123.0Show
Skov 19821982Skov, TorbenSkov, Torben, T. Skov, A Late Neolithic House Site with Bell Beaker Pottery at Stendis, Northwestern Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 1, 1982, 39-44.4Show
Smith / Harris 19821982Smith, G and Harris, DSmith, G and Harris, D, The excavation of Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements at Poldowrian, St Keverne, 1980'. Cornish Archaeol 21, 1982, 23--66.4Show
Maluquer De Motes 19821982Maluquer De Motes, J.Maluquer De Motes, J., Cova del Parco, Alòs de Balaguer in Les excavacions arqueològiques a Catalunya, Barcleona, Generalitat de Castalunya, Departament de Cultura, 153-154.0Show
Solé 19821982Solé, M.Solé, M., Balma del Duc, Montblanc, in Les excavacions arqueològiques a Catalunya en els darrers anys. Barcelona. Excavacions Arqueològiques a Catalunya, 1. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura, 129-131.0Show
Maltby / Caseldine 19821982E. Maltby / C. J. CaseldineE. Maltby / C. J. Caseldine, Prehistoric soil and vegetation development on Bodmin Moor, southwestern England, Nature, 297,397 - 400.5Show
Stanford et al. 19821982Stanford, SC and Bayley, Justine and Colledge, Susan M and Holgate, RobinStanford, SC and Bayley, Justine and Colledge, Susan M and Holgate, Robin, Bromfield, Shropshire—Neolithic, Beaker and Bronze Age sites, 1966--79..1Show
Balaam et al 19821982N. Balaam / K. Smith / G. J. WainwrightN. Balaam / K. Smith / G. J. Wainwright, The Shaugh Moor project: fourth report - environment, context, and conclusion, Proc Prehist Soc, 48, 203 - 78.25Show
Orme 19821982Orme, BJOrme, BJ, The use of radiocarbon dates from the Somerset Levels. Somerset Levels Papers 8, 1982, 9--25.50Show
Davidsen 19821982Davidsen, KarstenK. Davidsen, Bronze Age Houses at Jegstrup, near Skive, Central Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 1, 65-75, 1982,6Show
Nagel19821982E. NagelE. Nagel, Ein Ganggrab von Klein Upahl, Kreis Güstrow. Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg 30, 1983, 7-24.1Show
Strömberg 19821982M. StrömbergM. Strömberg, Ingelstorp : Zur Siedlungsentwicklung eines südschwedischen Dorfes. Acta archaeologica Lundensia in 4° ; 14 (Bonn [u.a.]1982).2Show
Herity 19821982Herity, MichaelHerity, Michael, Irish decorated Neolithic pottery. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, 1982, 247--404.4Show
Llongueras / Guilaine 19821982Llongueras, M. / Guilaine, J.Llongueras, M. / Guilaine, J., La Balma del Gai (Moià) in Les excavacions arqueològiques a Catalunya. Barceloma. Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, 57-58.2Show
Buxó Capdevila 19821982Buxó Capdevila, R. (Red.)Buxó Capdevila, R. (Red.), Noves datacions de 14C. Cypsela 4, 1982. 179-181.12Show
Burleigh et al. 19821982R. Burleigh, K. Matthews, J. AmbersBurleigh, R./Ambers, J./Matthews, K. (1982), British Museum Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XV, Radiocarbon 25, 1, pp. 39-58. 59113Show