
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1781-1800 / 2034 show all
Miles 19751975H. MilesH. Miles, Barrows on the St Austell Granite, Cornwall,Cornish Archaeol, 14, 5-82.2Show
Wyszomirska 19751975WyszomirskaWyszomirska, B., 1975. Människofigurer på den skånska gropkeramiken [Human figures on the Scanian pitted ware]. Fornvännen 701Show
Andersen 19751975AndersenAndersen 1975. En Ertebølleplads ved Vængesø / Helgenæs. Hikuin 2"1Show
Coles / Orme / Hilbert 19751975J. M. Coles / B. J. Orme / F. A. HilbertJ. M. Coles / B. J. Orme / F. A. Hilbert, The Eclipse Track, Somerset Levels Pap, 1, 20 - 8.3Show
Shotton et al. 19751975Shotton et al.SHOTTON, F.W., WILLIAMS, R.E.G./A.S. JOHNSON. 1975. Birmingham University Radiocarbon Dates IX. Radiocarbon 17(3): 255-75.0Show
Guilbert 1975b1975G. GuilbertG. Guilbert, Moel y Gaer, 1973: an area excavation on the defences, Antiquity, 49, 109 - 17.11Show
Baldellou et al. 19751975Baldellou, V. / Guilaine, J. / Mestres, J. / Thommeret, J.Baldellou, V. / Guilaine, J. / Mestres, J. / Thommeret, J., Datations C14 de la grotte de la Font del Molinot. In: Pyrenae 11, 1975, 151-153.4Show
Coles / Coles 19751975J. M. Coles / M. M. ColesJ. M. Coles / M. M. Coles, Check-list of radiocarbon dates relating to archaeological sites in the Levels, Somerset Levels Pap, 1, 54 - 5.1Show
Simmons 19751975B. SimmonsB. Simmons, Salt-making sites in the Silt Fens ofLincolnshire in the Iron Age and Roman periods, in Salt: the study of an ancient industry (ed K Wde Brisay and K A Evans), 33-6.2Show
Strömberg 19751975StrömbergStrömberg, Studien zu einem Gräberfeld in Löderup (Jungneolithikum bis römische Kaiserzeit) : Grabsitte - Kontinuität - Sozialstruktur. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia : Series in 8° ; 10 (Bonn1975).9Show
Fischer 19751975Fischer, ChristianFischer, Christian, Tidlig-neolitiske anlæg ved Rustrup. Kuml, 29-72.3Show
Pearson / Pilcher 19751975Pearson / PilcherPEARSON, G.W./J.R. PILCHER. 1975. Belfast Radiocarbon Dates VIII. Radiocarbon 17(2): 226-38.0Show
Pye 19751975W.R. PyeW.R. Pye, W.R. Pye, Fron DDyrys, Archaeology in Wales 15, 1975, 40.2Show
Malmros / Tauber 19771975Malmros / TauberClaus Malmros / Henrik Tauber, Kulstof-14 dateringer af dansk enkeltgravskultur. Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie 1975 (1977), 78-95.24Show
Jonsäter 1975?1975M. JonsäterM. Jonsäter, Gånggriften vid Sjöbol, Lyse Sn., Bohuslän Fornvännen 3–4, 1975. 138–143.1Show
Cura et al. 19751975Cura, M. / Thommeret, Y. / Guilaine, J. Cura, M. / Thommeret, Y. / Guilaine, J. , Une datation C14 du dolmen de la Llanera (Solsona). In: Pyrenae 11, 1975. 154-155.2Show
Lawn 19751975B. LawnB. Lawn, B. Lawn, University of Pennsylvania radiocarbon dates XVIII. Radiocarbon, 17, 196-215.11Show
Drewett 19751975P. Drewett P. Drewett, The excavation of an oval burial mound of the third millenium BC at Alfriston, East Sussex, 1974, Proc Prehist Soc, 41, 119 - 152.3Show
Guilbert 1975a1975G. GuilbertG. Guilbert, Planned hillfort interiors, Proc Prehisto Soc 41,203 -221.11Show
Burleigh 19751975Burleigh, RBurleigh, R, Radiocarbon dates for flint mines.1Show