
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1901-1920 / 2034 show all
Barker et al. 19691969Barker, Harold and Burleigh, Richard and Meeks, NigelBarker, Harold and Burleigh, Richard and Meeks, Nigel, British Museum natural radiocarbon measurements VI. Radiocarbon 11 / 1, 1969, 287--294.4Show
Quitta / Kohl 19691969Quitta, Hans and Kohl, GuntherQuitta, Hans and Kohl, Gunther, Neue Radiocarbondaten zum Neolithikum und zur frühen Bronzezeit Südosteuropas und der Sowjetunion. Zeitschrift fur Archäologie 3 / 2, 1969, 223--255.3Show
Kohl / Müller 19691969Kohl / MüllerG. Kohl / H. M. Müller, Berlin Radiocarbon Messurements III. Radiocarbon 11, 2, 1969, 271-277.1Show
Radiocarbon 19691969RadiocarbonRadiocarbon 1969: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, J. G. Olgen, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 11 (New Haven / 1969)2Show
Stuiver 19691969StuiverStuiver, M. (1969), Yale Natural Radiocarbon Measurements, Radiocarbon 11 (2), pp. 545-658.8Show
Stuckenrath / Lawn 19691969Stuckenrath / LawnStuckenrath, R./Lawn, B. (1969), University of Pennsylvania Radiocarbon Dates XI, Radiocarbon, 11, l,pp. 150-162.1Show
Strömberg 19681968M. StrömbergM. Strömberg, Der Dolmen Trollasten in Sankt-Köpinge, Schonen. Acta archaeologica Lundensia. Series in octavo ; No. 7. (Bonn (a. Rh.)1968).1Show
Liversage 19681968Liversage, GDLiversage, GD, Excavations at Dalkey Island, Co. Dublin, 1956-1959.3Show
Frey 19681968FreyFrey, Frey, O. H. (1968), Zweiter Bericht über die Untersuchungen in der Talayot-siedlung von S'Illot (San Lorenzo, Mallorca), Madrider Mitteilungen, 9, pp. 63-75.3Show
Kowalczyk 19681968J. KowalczykJ. Kowalczyk, A settlement of the Funnel Beaker Culture at Gródek Nadbu?ny in the Hrubieszów District. Archaeologia Polona 4, 1962, 111-120.0Show
Higgs 19681968E. S. Higgs / I. M. Clegg / I. A. KinnesE. S. Higgs / I. M. Clegg / I. A. Kinnes, Appendix VII. Saliagos animalbones. In J. D. Evans and C. Renfrew,Excavations at Saliagos near Antiparos,British School at Athens, supplementary volume 5, Thames and Hudson (London 1968) pp. 114–17.1Show
Rc19681968n / aRc19681Show
Evans 19681968J. EvansJ. Evans, Knossos Neolithic, part II: summary and conclusions. Annual of the British School at Athens, 63, 267-276.2Show
Rc 19681968n / aRc 19683Show
Barker / Mackey 19681968H. Barker and J. MackeyH. Barker / J. Mackey, British Museum natural radiocarbon masurements V, Radiocarbon 10, 1-7.1Show
Alessio et al. 19681968M. A. Alessio / F. Bella / S. ImprotaM. A. Alessio / F. Bella / S. Improta, University of Rome Carbon-14 Dates VI, Radiocarbon, 10, 350-364.10Show
Vogel / Waterbolk 19671967Vogel and WaterbolkVogel and Waterbolk, Groningen radiocarbondates VII, Radiocarbon 9, 1967, 107-155.2Show
Sellstedt et al. 19671967H. Sellstedt et al.H. Sellstedt / L. Engstrand / N.-G. Gejvall, Benvävnad som analysmaterial vid kol-14 dateringar. Fornvännen 1967, 145-154.8Show
Waldren / Kopper 19671967Waldren / KopperWaldren, W. H./Kopper, J. S. (1967), Mallorca chronology for Prehistory based on radiocarbon method, Pyrenae, 3, pp. 45-65.6Show
Müller-Beck / Oeschger 19671967Müller-Beck, Hansjürgen / Oeschger, HansMüller-Beck, Hansjürgen / Oeschger, Hans, Die C14-Daten aus der neolithischen Station Seeberg, Burgäschisee-Süd, Seeberg, Burgäschisee-Süd Teil 4: Chronologie und Umwelt. Acta Bernensia II. Bern. 157-165.2Show