
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1941-1960 / 2034 show all
Stürüp 19651965Stürüp, BjørnStürüp, Bjørn, En ny jordgrav fra tidlig-neolitisk tid. Kuml.1Show
Radiocarbon 19651965RadiocarbonRadiocarbon 1965: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 7 (New Haven / 1965)43Show
Muñoz 19651965Muñoz, A.M. Muñoz, A.M. , La primera fecha de C14 para un sepulcro de fosa catalan. In: Pyrenae 1, 1965, 31-41.4Show
Becker 19651965BeckerBecker 1965, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20075Show
Salomonsson 19651965SalomonssonSalomonsson 19651Show
Stürup 19651965B. StürupB. Stürup, En ny jordgrav fra tidlig-neolitisk tid. Kuml 1965 (1966). 13 – 22.1Show
Särlvik 19651965I. SärlvikI. Särlvik, Undersökning av en dös i Jörlanda. Bohusläns Hembygdsförbunds Årsskrift 1965. 19–24.1Show
Deumer et al. 19641964Deumer, JM and Gilot, E and Capron, PCDeumer, JM and Gilot, E and Capron, PC, Louvain natural radiocarbon measurements II.. Radiocarbon 6 / 1, 1964, 160--166.1Show
Godwin / Willis 19641964Godwin / WillisGODWIN, H./E.H. WILLIS. 1964. Cambridge University Natural Radiocarbon Measurements VI. Radiocarbon 6: 116-37.0Show
Kohl / Quitta19641964G. Kohl, H. QuittaG. Kohl, H. Quitta, Berlin radiocarbon measurements I. Radiocarbon 6, 1964, 308-317.1Show
Radiocarbon 19641964RadiocarbonRadiocarbon 1964: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 6 (New Haven / 1964)28Show
Tarradell 19641964TarradellTarradell, M. (1964), La necrópolis de Son Real y la Ilia dels Porros. Excavaciones Arqueológicas en España, 24, Madrid.1Show
Berglund 19641964BerglundBerglund 1964: B. E. Berglund, The post-glacial shore displacement in eastern Blekinge, southeastern Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (Stockholm) Nr. 599, 19643Show
Vogel / Waterbolk 19631963Vogel, J. C. and Waterbolk, H. T.Vogel, J. C. and Waterbolk, H. T., Groningen radiocarbon dates {IV}. Radiocarbon : an international journal of cosmogenic isotope research 5 / 5, 1963, 163--202.10Show
Radiocarbon 19631963RadiocarbonRadiocarbon 1963: R. Foster Flint, E. S. Deevey Jr, I. Rouse, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 5 (New Haven / 1963)70Show
Gfeller 19631963Gfeller, ChristianGfeller, Christian, Altersbestimmung der Fundhorizonte nach der C14-Methode. In: Bandi, Hans-Georg (Hrsg.), Birsmatten-Basisgrotte. Eine mittelsteinzeitliche Fundstelle im unteren Birstal. Acta Bernensia 1. Bern. 88-91.7Show
MacKie 19661963MacKie, EMacKie, E, New excavations on the Monamore Neolithic chambered cairn, Lamlash, Isle of Arran, in 1961'.2Show
Houlder 19631963Houlder, CHHoulder, CH, A Neolithic settlement on Hazard Hill, Totnes.2Show
Fredsjö 19631963Å. FredsjöÅ. Fredsjö, En stenåldersboplats vid Dafter i Skee socken. Bohusläns Hembygdsförbunds Årsskrift 1963, 47–61.6Show
Fox 19631963Fox, AFox, A, Neolithic charcoal from Hembury'. Antiquity 37, 1963, 228--9.14Show