Laboratory: Beta Analytic

BP: 3810 Std: 30

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: fauna bone (Sus - Ulna)

Feature Type: enclosure Feature: Fosso 2

Culture: n/a Phase: n/a

Site: Bela Vista Country Subdivision: Beja Country: Portugal

Approved: true Right: public


A. C. Valera (Ed.), Bela Vista 5. Um Recinto do Final do 3º Milénio (Mombeja, Beja)2 (Lisboa 2014).

A. C. Valera, Social change in the late 3rd millennium BC in Portugal. The twilight of enclosures. In: Harald Meller / H. W. Arz / Reinhard Jung / Roberto Risch (Hrsg.), 200 Bc – Ein Klimasturz als Ursache für den Zerfall der Alten Welt? 2200 Bc – A climatic breakdown as a cause for the collapse of the old world? 7. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 23. bis 26. Oktober 2014 in Halle (Saale)13 (Halle (Saale) 2015) 1-20.

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values!

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