Laboratory: Bern

BP: 5130 Std: 120

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: wood Sample Material Comment: None given

Feature Type: settlement Feature: Pfahl Nr. 2644, Schicht IVb.

Culture: Cortaillod culture Phase: n/a

Site: Auvernier, Port Country Subdivision: Neuchâtel Country: Switzerland

Approved: true Right: public


Breunig, Peter, 14C-Chronologie des vorderasiatischen, südost- und mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums. Fundamenta Reihe A Band 13 (Köln u.a.1987).

Shennan, S and Steele, J, Spatial and chronological patterns in the neolithisation of Europe.< h ttp. ads. ahds. ac. uk / catalogue / resources. html, 2000.

Thevenot, J.-P. / Strahm, C. / Beeching, A. / Bill, J. / Bocquet, A. / Gallay, A. / Pétrquin, P. / Schifferdecker, F., La civilisation Saône-Rhône. Revue archéologique de l'est et du centre-est 27, 331-417.

Comment: "Association avec matériel archéologique : cat. B".

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