Laboratory: National Museum
BP: 3860 Std: 100
Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given
Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: Quercus sp.
Feature Type: settlement Feature: "from house D, 20cm above floor in settlement layer with beaker pottery".
Culture: Nordic Late Neolithic Phase: SN I
Site: Myrhøj Country Subdivision: Nordjylland Country: Denmark
Approved: true Right: public
Aarup Jensen, J., Bopladsen Myrhøj, 3 hustomter med klokkenbaegerkeramik. Kuml 1972, 61-122
Comment: Duplicate sample with different values! Zu Haus D gehören außerdem: K-4268, K-4266, K-4264, K-4267.
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