Laboratory: National Museum

BP: 3530 Std: 85

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: grain Sample Material Comment: "carbonized", triticum sp.

Feature Type: settlement Feature: "From pit 5 with cereals (wheat, barley), grinding stone, loom weight, Late Neolithic undecorated pottery, "probably LN II".

Culture: Nordic Late Neolithic Phase: SN II

Site: Birkenæs sb 141 Country Subdivision: Midtjylland Country: Denmark

Approved: true Right: public


K. Davidsen, Bronze Age Houses at Jegstrup, near Skive, Central Jutland. Journal of Danish Archaeology 1, 65-75, 1982,

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values! Aus derselben Grube stammen K-2924, K-2926.

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