Laboratory: National Museum

BP: 5070 Std: 65

Delta 13C value -20.9 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: Bone from red deer.

Feature Type: settlement Feature: "bone from red deer in the lower midden layer 3b".

Culture: Funnelbeaker culture / northern group Phase: transition Ertebølle - Early Neolithic I

Site: Kongemosen 3 (Kongemosen L) Country Subdivision: Sjaælland Country: Denmark

Approved: true Right: public


Arkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 1987.

Koch, Eva, Neolithic bog pots from Zealand, Møn, Lolland and Falster. Nordiske Fortidsminder : Serie B 16 (København1998).

Comment: Aus derselben Schicht: K-4881, K-4883; aus "upper midden layer 3a: K-4884; K-4885;K-4886. In both layers Ertebølle ceramics and Funnel Beaker ceramics but most Ertebølle ceramics in 3a, most FBC ceramics in 3b"; zur selben Siedlung die Reihe K-4888 bis K-4891.

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