Laboratory: Stockholm

BP: 3765 Std: 65

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: n/a Sample Material Comment: n/a (n/a)(n/a)

Feature Type: settlement Feature: None given

Culture: Pitted Ware (Grübchenkeramik) Phase: n/a

Site: Älby Country Subdivision: Stockholm Country: Sweden

Approved: true Right: public


Tillväxten, Statens Historiska Museum ochKungl. Myntkabinettet. Samlingarnas tillväxt1961 (Stockholm 1961).

Wyszomirska, B., 1984. Figurplastik och gravskick hos Nord- och Nordösteuropas neolitiska fångstkulturer [Figurative sculptures and burial customs among the Neolithic hunter-gatherer cultures of Northern and Northeastern Europe]. (Acta Archaeologica Lundensia series in 4° 18.) Lund: Institue of Archaeology and the Historical Museum.

Comment: även jå- + brågravar

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