Laboratory: Kiel AMS

BP: 3783 Std: 25

Delta 13C value -195.0 Delta 13C standard deviation 2.0

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: Menschenknochen

Feature Type: grave (flat) inhumation Feature: 8497; trench: III/11

Culture: Early Bronze Age Phase: n/a

Site: Niederröblingen; site: 92 Country Subdivision: Sachsen-Anhalt Country: Germany

Approved: true Right: public


C. Lubos / S. Dreibrodt / O. Nelle / M. Klamm / S. Friederich / H. Meller / M. Nadeau / P. Grootes / M. Fuchs / Hans-Rudolf Bork, A multi-layered prehistoric settlement structure (tell?) at Niederröblingen, Germany and its implications. Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 2011, 1101-1110.

Harald Meller (Hrsg.), Kultur in Schichten. Ausgrabungen am Autobahndreieck Südharz (A71). Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt. Sonderband 14 (Halle 2011).

Comment: Bestattung, Hocker, plattbauchige Tasse

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