Laboratory: National Museum

BP: 4200 Std: 90

Delta 13C value -18.9 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: mben (bone, human)(Knochen, Mensch), Femur, adult

Feature Type: collective burial Feature: bensaml III i kammaren

Culture: n/a Phase: n/a

Site: Klokkehøj Country Subdivision: Syddanmark Country: Denmark

Approved: true Right: public


Fischer, Anders; Olsen, Jesper; Richards, Mike; Heinemeier, Jan; Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Árny E., Bennike, Pia, Coast–inland mobility and diet in the Danish Mesolithic and Neolithic: evidence from stable isotope values of humans and dogs. Journal of archaeological science 34 / 12, 2007, 2125-2150.

Thorsen, S., „Klokkehøj” ved Bøjden. Et sydvestfynsk dyssekammer med velbevaret primærgrav. Kuml 1980, 1981, 105--46.

Comment: Sample number addition: SHg-1150.

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