Laboratory: Uppsala Accelerator

BP: 4370 Std: 40

Delta 13C value -15.1 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: mben (bone, human)(Knochen, Mensch)

Feature Type: single grave Feature: KOP 001, Solberga A11

Culture: n/a Phase: n/a

Site: Köpingsvik Country Subdivision: Kalmar Country: Sweden

Approved: true Right: public


Linderholm et al 2008: G. Eriksson, A. Linderholm, E. Fornander, M. Kanstrup, P. Schoultz, H. Olofsson, K. Lidén, Same island, different diet: Cultural evolution of food practice on Öland, Sweden, from the Mesolithic to the Roman Period. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Volume 27 Issue 4 2008, 520-543,"

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values! M1

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