Laboratory: Lund

BP: 3070 Std: 60

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: n/a Sample Material Comment: ?

Feature Type: grave (mound) cremation Feature: Grab 4

Culture: n/a Phase: n/a

Site: Nymölla; site: 1:1 Country Subdivision: Skåne Country: Sweden

Approved: true Right: public


R. Petré, Ein bronzezeitlicher Grabhügel bei Nymölla, Ksp. Ivetofta, Schonen. Meddelanden fran Lunds universitets historiska museum 1961, 33 – 79.

Radiocarbon 1972: R. Foster Flint, M. Stuiver, I. Rouse, J. G. Ogden, American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon, Volume 14 (New Haven / 1972)

Comment: From grave 4 with sword, knife, razor, and 2 double buttons.

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